
4.2.0 again means a big step forward for the 3YOURMIND customers. The Additive Manufacturing Part Identification [AMPI] is now part of the main software package, empowering a full on-premise setup, along with many other advantages. We have added additional security features and enabled an easy export of quotes via CSV.


Cleaner links

We removed /# from all URLs. This means you have to type one character less and results in a cleaner & more stable code.

[PLM] - Joining PLM into ERP+MES codebase

Our products PLM and ERP+MES are growing closer together. So far only ERP and MES have been available within a single software platform. Now PLM, which includes the AM Part Identifier module, is also joining the party. With this release, we have made it possible to have all of our three main products available with just a single setup. This also enables us to do on-premises installations for PLM and will set us up for tighter integrations of the three software products in the future.


[AMPI] - Bulk edit/update through CSV import

The CSV import functionality of AMPI has been improved and it is possible to update properties of existing parts in AMPI by running a CSV import with updated data.

[AMPI] - Caching calculation results to improve performance

The results of blackbox and score calculations are now cached and only recalculated if part details change or the blackboxes or scores are modified. This improves performance and responsiveness and reduces server load.

[AMPI] - Check for correct blackbox and score syntax

Saving scores or blackboxes with incorrect syntax is now prohibited and indicated with an error message. This reduces unwanted errors.

[ERP] - extra security during login & logout

To give more security to your users, we now show:

  • On logout: a toaster showing logout being successful

  • On login: a toaster with the date and time stamp of the last login, so to help determine if the application account has been used without the knowledge of the user


[ERP] - exporting quotes via CSV

Enabling you in the service panel, to export your quotes to an external CRM software or simply analyze them in Excel, we now extended the order exporting functionality to our quotes.




[MES] - saving selected time scale in scheduler

The schedulers time scale (Daily / Weekly / Monthly) is now being saved and remembered by the Agile MES. By default, the scheduler will now be opened with the latest selected time scale.

[MES] - displaying part requirements on production sheet and part detail page

Part requirements specified via the part requirements form during the ordering process are now being displayed on the part detail page as well as the exportable production sheets.

Bug fixes

  • Filters are now applied and saved correctly for requests, quotes & orders tables, across pages and sessions.

  • Correctly show the service users are in the service panel

  • Fixed issues with the comments on requests, quotes & orders

  • High values for order fees are now fully working

  • The user list in the organization panel is now loaded completely again

  • Price validation and error message correction

  • Introduced a maximum for fees price fields to avoid validation issues

  • We now show the price in the original quoted currency, fixing the wrong currency symbol in the quote.

  • Allow for zero % tax in the service information

  • Fix pricing for orientation optimized files in inch

  • The configuration panel in the basket configuration on the right opens after uploading a new STL file in the basket.

  • Fixed a bug in the Helm chart that prevented the chart to work after upgrading button3d dependencies: Changed the mount path of nginx from /var/lib/nginx to /var/lib/nginx/tmp


  • Updated MES Workstations API documentation

  • Mesh optimization now no longer discards significant shells of a model.

  • The links to 3D FIes in the CSV export are now part of our API. That means that the 3D Files can be download in a secure wat using the CSV with an API Token. This change might break integrations, if the download link in CSV files are used.

AMPI - Temporarily disabled functionality

The following functionality is still being worked on and planned for subsequent release(s). They are temporarily disabled.

Part List Filters not working
As a result of the merging of our software, we have to re-do the filtering component. Unfortunately, it was not possible to complete this component before this release.

Other users show as "Deleted User"
This is a known issue and will be fixed in an upcoming release. This should not have any significant impact on the actual functionality of the software

Not possible to switch between Reports
It is currently not possible to switch between multiple reports on both Part detail view as well as Reports view. However, a single report can display various charts at the same time.

Navbar does not retain custom color
Currently, the navigation bar on the left side does not retain the color it is assigned to. 

Adding camera photos does not work
Adding photos that are taken with a laptop or smartphone camera while creating the part does not work currently.