
Wednesday, December 12th 2018

With 3.0.0 we're finishing the Roll-Out of the New Checkout!

The major change is, that the New Checkout that was introduced in 2.6.0 is now active for all customers.
It is not possible anymore to dectivate it and have the old checkout instead.

That also means that this relase removes the possibility to place Orders anonymously. 

Like always, this release also contains some improvements and new Features:

Manual Pricing now suggests prices

A service can now see a suggested price while pricing an order manually. To configure this, create a Material with both a price formula and manual pricing rules. The result of the formula will be used for the suggestion. The buyer does not see the Suggested Price. This is particularly useful for communicating of prices between the internal sales department and Production shop floor. 

Vouchers can now ignore shipping costs

When you create a new voucher in the Service Panel, you now can configure this:

[Agile MES] Batch Download

You can now download multiple files in a batch to save more time during print preparation. For each part the original and the optimized files are downloaded. To batch download the files in a .zip folder just mark the checkboxes of the desired parts in the parts list and press the download button. 

[Agile MES] Sorting Workstations

In the Scheduler it is now possible to Drag&Drop the Workstations to change their order and customize the Gantt Chart

[Agile MES] Customize workflow for specific parts

Workflows can now be customized for specific parts. This gives you to possibility to create a list of standard templates in the workflow settings and easily add processing steps in the production if this necessary for specific parts. The Workflow templates remain unaffected by the changes on the part level. 

Updated the Look&Feel of the Navigation

With the Agile MES we added new components to the navigation bar, so we updated the Look and Feel of the Left Navigation. It is now divided into DashboardOrder Management, Agile MES and Settings. Note that we renamed `Offers` to `Materials`.

Other Improvement / Bugfixes

  • Extended Registration is now default for new Organizations
  • "Waiting for Payment" contains now PopUp-Link and/or cancel button.
  • The CSV file comes now with some more fields
  • Reordering function missing for placed orders 
  • Purchase Order Doc missing for a placed order
  • Payment Method "Purchase Order Upload" is now available for all Services.
  • (New UP) Item Price display in order
  • Change wording to Service Configuration in the panel swicher
  • (New UP) Billing adress is now aligned in Order
  • Cancelled Status Icon is now greyed out
  • Removed LEFT_NAVIGATION switch.
  • PartList is loading again when an Order with PickUp Location exists (Shipping Address is NULL)
  • Status translations in OrderStatus need to be reversed.
  • [Service Panel] Validate Voucher limits correctly
  • Price Tester works now for long fomulas
  • Order status is not shown right in Order detail (New UP)
  • (New UP) Zero discount is not dispayed anymore as -€0.00
  • The Logo URL is now working again
  •  Link in Mails are not linking to old Project Page anymore (New UP)
  • Redirect from /user-panel/#/ to /user-panel/#/orders/ created
  • [Backend] Activating extended registration may create internal server error
  • Can't see the Cancel Invoice Button on IE
  • Dimensions of the 3D file ordered in inch are converted to mm, but displayed inch as unit

For Server-Operators

Backup the Database!

This update contains a big non-reversable database migration, deleting ~70 tables that were used in the old checkout.

We tested this migration in many different setups.
Nevertheless, we highly recommend to backup the database before updating to 3.0.0.

For Server-Operators: Bootstrap script

(This will be availabe in 3.0.1)

This update contains a new mechanism to bootstrap a new installation:

     manage.py bootstrap

it is possible, to prepare a new Database without loading the sample data. The script also loads the material-database.

For Server-Operators: Materials syncronization

(This will be availabe in 3.0.1)

This update contains a new mechanism to load the latest Material Database into the application.

     manage.py load_materials

Running this command is only safe, if the Material database was not edited in the admin panel.

If you are interested in testing our upcoming tools as early adopters or have any further questions, please feel free to contact our product team.