
March 11, 2020

This release added a number of key features to the Agile ERP to better synchronize order and part assignment for later scheduling in the Agile MES. This release also delivers all major functionality for the Sales Transaction Workflows in order to complete the transition to Requests, Quotations and Orders as the organizational structure. There were several small improvements to the part requirements, file processing speed and orientation optimization to reflect what we have learned from real use by customers over the past several months.

New Features

[Agile ERP] - Contact Service with Questions

Serving a variety of customers, you may not always be ready to directly place an order. Our Sales Transactions add Requests and Quotations to the ordering workflow. Now, by clicking Contact Service, you can send questions along with your 3D Models and initial order settings. The service can then review and answer using the normal commenting tools. The order will be saved as a Request with your comment attached.

[Agile ERP] - Customers can Track Production Progress

One of the other key benefits of the Agile ERP is transparent communication from order to production. We added the Target Production Date which is set by the Service in the order status. The ratio of ordered to produced parts is updated in real time from the Agile MES and is visible to Buyers, Order Coordinators and Production Managers.

[Agile ERP] - Smoother Handover between Order Manager and Production Scheduler

The Service Panel now includes the ability to update both Production Workflow and Target Production Date from the Order view. This helps the Order Coordinator process incoming orders quicker, especially when managing high priority orders. Once the Production Workflow has been assigned, the part name will also link directly to the MES Part Detail view for further processing and tracking.

Order coordinators now have the same Production Status overview per part in the Service Panel Order View.

[Agile ERP] - Additional Orientation Optimization Parameters

As a functional improvement, it is now possible to define a minimum and maximum angle for support structure optimization (before it was a fixed value of 90 degrees).

The orientation optimization can also use different selections when determining support structures than for the final price calculation. For example, it is possible to adjust the part orientation to minimize support volume without using an offset but taking to use the exact final orientation for for pricing each model.

[Agile ERP] - Trigger Manual Pricing when a Model is Larger than a Machine Build Volume

It is now possible to automatically trigger a manual pricing request for files that exceed the minimum and maximum dimensions (bounding box) for each material in the service panel. This is a simple checkbox to shift the order to the manual pricing workflow.

[Agile ERP] - Japanese Language BETA

Our software is now almost completely translated to Japanese!


[Agile MES] - View Production Buffer BETA 

AM shop floors face the challenge of prioritizing parts based on promised and required delivery dates. The software now includes a Production Buffer to show operators which parts are most time-critical and need to be prioritized for post-processing. This is a sortable field in the worklist view and parts view.

The Production Buffer is defined as the difference between the Target Delivery Date and the date of the most recently completed workflow step.

[Agile MES] - Hide Finished Parts

It is now possible to hide finished parts in the Parts List. This will help your scheduling team focus on only relevant parts.

By default,  finished parts are hidden.


  • [Agile ERP] - [Sales Transactions] Implement new UI for status in detail pages
  • [Agile ERP] - [Sales Transactions] Display a loading icon while querying lists
  • [Agile ERP] - Increased the character limit for prefixes for order documents
  • [Agile ERP] - [Sales Transactions] Send status update email in the language of the email creator
  • [Agile ERP] - Automatically show Part Requirements form when there is only one available
  • [Agile ERP] - Improved file upload and mesh healing time
  • [Agile ERP] - Added option to download all files in an order at once from the Service Panel 
  • [Agile ERP] - Ability to add negative order fees

  • [Administration] - Changing the site name in admin panel now shows a warning that your page might be unreachable if you put in the wrong name

Bug fixes

  • [Agile ERP] - [Sales Transactions] Lists column titles and column content stopped from overlapping
  • [Agile ERP] - Part Requirements drawer doesn't load the selected Part Requirements twice
  • [Agile ERP] - Part Requirements fixes for date pickers field types
  • [Agile ERP] - Problems with order status deletion got fixed
  • [Agile ERP] - Fix list pages sorting in Service Panel
  • [Agile ERP] - [Sales Transactions] First Comment added is now exported in CSV with Sales Transactions enabled
  • [Agile ERP] - [Sales Transactions] Quotes created from Request have correct pricing
  • [Agile ERP] - [Sales Transactions] Saving a second Request by Editing a Request works now as intended
  • [Agile MES] - MES parts scheduled counter works fine again 
  • [Agile MES] - Production Sheet from job detail can now be downloaded again in any workflow state 
  • [Agile MES] - Thumbnails will no longer be displayed as ID while editing columns or changing columns order in the Parts list