
Friday, March 22th 2019

[Agile MES] Reserved Times

It is now possible to reserve time slots in the schedule. This allows you to account for any time in which a workstation can not operate, such as maintenance, customer visits or research projects. Simply add a new reserved time and give it the name you want.

To configure a reserved time slot you can either:

  1. Click anywhere in the schedule and select the type: reserved time or
  2. go to Settings > Workstations > Reserved Time and configure a new reserved time for the selected workstation.

By the way!

We also made it easier to set the duration of a job/reserved time.

[Agile MES] Processing Worklists

With worklists it is now possible to digitally plan and track the execution of processing your parts. Operators and production planners can immediately synchronize on the production status, priotize their parts and react quickly on any changes during the production. 

To configure your processing workstation for Worklists:

  1. Go to Settings > Workstations > add Processing station
  2. Drawer opens with the following options:
    • Part Processing time Days per part (total time that needs to be allocated for that workflow step including prep. intralogistics, waiting, etc.)
      • 0 means: the next processing can be started on that day
      • >= 1 part stays on the workstation for >=1 days for the processing
    • Capacity Amount of parts that can be processed in one day
  3. Save workstation.

To create worklists:

  1. Add a workflow and add a processing step which is assigned to a processing workstation.
  2. Schedule parts in a print job with the workflow.

Now, our software automatically creates worklists and routes your parts so that the the capacity of a workstation is not exceeded.

To work with worklists:

  1. Click on a worklist to open the worklist detail. Here the user sees all parts that need to be processed in one day
  2. Review the parts that are schedule for a given day. If you would like to add or move parts to the next day you can changethe workload
  3. Confirm the workload to commit to process all parts in that given day.
  4. Select parts and set them to the next status after you have successfully executed the processing step. 
  5. All the parts that haven't been processed in a given day will be moved to the worklist on the next day, so that you will never loose track of your parts.

[Agile MES] Automatic change of sequence status

  • When a job is started, sequence statuses are changed to the first status in the sequences workflow that is connected to the workstation on which the job is scheduled.
  • When Job is finished, sequence statuses are changed to the status after the first status in the sequences workflow that is connected to the workstation on which the job is scheduled

[New User Panel] The region settings now look different

Old Userpanel

New Userpanel

[New User Panel] Projects → Basket (BETA)

The new Basket can now be activated in the admin panel. This feature is still under development. 

The new Basket should not be activated yet if:

  • The Buyers need to access old 3D Projects
  • The Buyers need to share the Project with somebody else then the Service (e.g. for internal approval)
  • The Buyer needs to place a comment before starting a request/order.

Feedback is highly appreciated.

[Pricing configuration system] JavaScript language and User based pricing (BETA)

It is now possible to activate JavaScript language for a Service configuration panel.

Benefits from this system are:

  • Better algorithms structure (for example, instead of repeating the same part we can add it as a variable)
  • More functions available
  • Algorithms are easier to maintain in the future

Together with JavaScript activated there is a possibility to access database for user information. Examples of use are available below:

  • Different pricing for specific customers:
    • user.email === ‘test@example.com’;
  • Different pricing for specific company users:
    • user.email.includes(‘@example.com’);

Improved UI for the new system will be provided soon.

Other Notable Changes

  • [Navigation] There is now a new color for active Items in the Navigation. Per default it is grey and may look as strange as seen in the picture.
    The color can be adjusted in the admin panel!
  • [Admin Panel] Some Dropdowns are now better usable
  • The CSV Export now contains the column filename


  • A Cross Site Scripting vulnerability was fixed.


  • Tax rate is now displayed as 20% instead of 2E+1%.
  • The Templates for Order Notes are now taken from the Organization Template of the purchasing channel
  • [New User Panel] Item discount now shows in Order
  • [Checkout] - Terms and Conditions are now shown for French
  • Dropdowns are now shown in the right color
  • [Agile MES] Job Detail page works again
  • [New Userpanel] Filter does now work if user can see other orders
  • Dropdown component closes again
  • [New Userpanel] Links in old E-Mails are now redirecting to the correct order in the new User Panel

    If you are interested in testing our upcoming tools as early adopters or have any further questions, please feel free to contact our product team.