Release Notes

This page lists all improvements and changes to our 3YOURMIND software.

All Release Notes

Versioning Convention

Our software releases adhere to the Calendar Versioning system. Each release gets a distinct version number that corresponds to the year and month of release. We employ the following format:



  • YY stands for the last two digits of the release year

  • M represents the release month

  • LTS indicates a Long Term Support Version

In essence, our version numbers not only tell you when a particular version was released, but also indicate if it is a Long Term Support version, meaning it will receive extended maintenance.

Version Number Examples

To illustrate, here are a couple of examples:

  • 23.3: This is a version of our software released in March (03) of the year 2023.

  • 23.4 LTS: Released in April (04) of 2023, this version is marked as a Long Term Support Version (LTS). Such versions are backed by extended maintenance, ensuring stability and ongoing support.

For an in-depth understanding, feel free to refer to our comprehensive versioning guide:

How to Determine Your Current Software Version

It's easy to determine the current version of your software with our system. All you need to do is add /version at the end of your base URL.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify your base URL. The base URL is the main web address for your software. For instance, is an example of a base URL.

  2. Append /version to your base URL. Therefore, your URL will look something like this:

  3. Enter this modified URL into your web browser and press 'Enter'.

The current software version number will subsequently be displayed in your browser.