
July, 17th 2019 - Good News! You can now generate PDF Production Sheets in the Agile MES.

[Agile MES] Production Sheets on Part Detail Level

Forget about having to create Traveller sheets in Excel. You can now generate automated production sheets for your parts with one click and print them as PDF. 

The Part Production Sheet gives engineers and operators a quick glance at all production details of a part, so that you can identify and track your parts in production.

How To

To create a Part production sheet go to the Part Detail and

  1. Select a Workflow
  2. Click on Print Production Sheet
  3. Preview the PDF document

Custom Worksteps

Define which worksteps should be included on your Part production sheet. E.g. `Part Preparation` is not needed, deactivate the flag in the workflow step. 

QR Code 

Each Part Production Sheet has a unique QR code. Scan it to open the part detail page and see all documentation on the part.

Custom Work Instructions

Edit the Production sheet by adding instructions in the Part detail Page

View Attached Documents

See if there are attached documents that you can quickly access over the QR code.

Other Notable changes and Bugfixes 

  • [Basket] Reloading Browser window displays Part Analysis correctly
  • [Basket] long part names are display correctly
  • [Basket] Fixed Bug, where the bulk upload of 3d models caused duplicate entries
  • [Basket] File Validation possible for 3d model batch upload
  • [Basket] Pricing Required UI is displayed only once 
  • [Basket] Changing Project name UX is optimized
  • [Basket] Optimized UX for Material filtering 
  • [Basket] Optimized UX for selecting parts in basket
  • [Basket] Bug with not saving selected post-processing is fixed
  • [Old basket] Fixed Bug, where side nav menu was disappearing after checkout

  • [Checkout] Language from Profile Settings is now used to show the correct translation
  • [Checkout] Final Button in Ordering Process is translated to `Place Order` and corresponding translations

  • [Service Panel - Viewer] Support Structure and Wall Thickness Analysis is working now
  • [Service Panel] Saving General Material Settings directs to Material list
  • [Service Panel] Adding new partner payment crashes
  • [Service Panel] Fixed Bug, where material Filters in 3D Project list was showing the same product multiple times
  • [Service Panel] "Multiple post processing" for a specific material is now working again
  • [Service Panel] CSV export was causing timeout for large data. This was optimized

  • [Status Update Emails] Status change emails now use default texts defined in the Admin Panel
  • [Order Documents] Material Column visible when selecting parts for the Delivery Note PDF document
  • [CSV] Commas are handled, so that the CSV keeps its structure
  • [Dates] Show the right Date Formats in 
  • [Analytics] Order overview can be filtered by service
  • [Order Redirection] Fixed link redirection in emails for Services that offer materials on multiple Organizations

Under the Hood

  • 3d Model Upload optimized for E2E Testing 
If you are interested in testing our upcoming tools as early adopters or have any further questions, please feel free to contact our product team.