4.13 - 2021.10.04


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Ordering an AM qualified part just became twice as easy

The 3YOURMIND Additive Manufacturing Part Identifier (AMPI) helps customers easily identify the most promising parts for AM, in economic and technical terms. Once identified, it often is a hassle to then download the part and port it to the ordering software.

The Add part to basket feature now enables a direct connection to the 3YOURMIND ordering system (if desired, you can also connect this to external 3rd party ordering software such as SAP).

This enables the AM expert to easily port parts identified with AM potential to e.g.:

  1. order & qualify this part with the internal or connected 3rd party printing service

  2. add this part to the part catalog from which other employees can easily (re-)order

To add a part that has a 3D file from PLM to the Basket in the connected ERP system (for organizations that use EPR along with PLM), click on "Add to basket" below the 3D file thumbnail on the PLM Part Page. This subsequently allows the user to order the part, configure a material and post-processing to check the price, request a quote, and add the part to the ERP Catalog (for Digital inventory admins).

More information:

Automatic retrieval of 3D file properties for part scoring

Geometry information about a part is an essential input to conduct AM assessment. Up to now, these pieces of information had to be specified manually for each part, which required additional preparation work before starting analyzing the parts set. 

With this new release, the geometrical characteristics of an STL file are automatically retrieved and fed into the computation of the scores. This saves time when creating a part and reduces the risk of errors when entering manually the geometrical values. 

Please note that using the STL file properties in the computation of scores requires updating the scripts separately.

More information:

Reports hidden for “AMPI User” Group

Users assigned to the AMPI User Group do not see anymore the right-side panel “Reports” on the Part Page.

Several usability improvements

  • It is now possible to download all the attachments related to a Part at once thanks to the “Download All Attachments” button available on the left-side panel of the Part Page.

  • Part pages can be opened in a new tab from the Part List: rows the Part List behave now as standard links to open in a new tab, with keyboard shortcut (Cmd/Ctrl) + left click or right click + "Open in new tab".


Our ambition is to make using the 3YOURMIND service panel the most efficient and effective tool to process and manage incoming AM requests, quotes & orders. In this release, we streamline 4 common user paths, making them more intuitive and efficient.

Bulk-creation of order documents

When it was previously necessary to open every individual order to create its order documents, this can now be done directly from the orders table view. At the moment the feature needs to be turned on manually via the admin panel.


Create quotes or orders for customers who are not registered on 3YOURMIND

When creating quotes or orders for end-customers in the service panel, thus far the end-customer needed to be registered on the 3YOURMIND platform. This feature now has become much more powerful enabling you to add users yourself, without the user needing to do anything.

Quotes and orders can be created without users receiving any emails. Users can be invited to the platform at any point.

Adding ordered parts to the catalog

Parts are usually only added to the catalog after the 3D file was validated, the configuration is qualified and the finished product has passed all quality control checks. To make it easier to, at this stage of the process, add parts to the catalog, we implemented an easy way to add ordered parts to the catalog.

Parts of an accepted order can be directly added to the catalog from the order detail page in the service panel. Parts will be added to the catalog with the configuration in which they were ordered.

Please note that after adding to the catalog, these parts are available to all your customers via the catalog option in the user panel.


Bulk-update order status

Updating the order status of multiple orders can now be handled much more efficiently. Simply select all orders you wish to update, click More Actions and select the new status via the Set Status option.



Target vs. Estimated finish date feedback

Up to now, there was no automated feedback for delays in production present in the MES. With version 4.13 we are introducing visual feedback of the target and estimated finish date. The part list now contains the estimated finish date, which indicates the estimated production finish date of a part based on the current schedule. If a part's estimated finish date gets close to its target, a black exclamation mark will appear. If a part is estimated to finish on or after its target date the exclamation mark will turn red, indicating the urgency of this part.


Improved part history readability

We iterated on the display of the part history, which is now easier to understand in a human-readable way.

General improvements

  • We changed the menu layout of the 3D viewer, which is now opening by default the printability analysis tab.

Bug fixes


  • The sorting of the Part List was not working perfectly well. This has been fixed.

  • It may have happened that attachments were not displayed correctly on the Part Page. Now, a thumbnail is shown for pictures and the right file extension icon is shown for other files.

  • When editing a part, links to navigate between the different pages of the form in the left-side panel are now enabled.

  • Design inconsistencies across PLM have been corrected


  • A bug was fixed that caused the customer number to get overwritten when editing an order in the service panel.

  • A bug was fixed that caused confirmation toasters to not be displayed properly in the internal ordering form.

  • A misalignment in the line item price breakdown was fixed.

  • A bug was fixed that caused long addresses and post-processing to not be properly displayed.

  • During user registration, the selected country is now correctly stored in the user profile instead of defaulting to Germany.

  • Assigning a default workflow to material in settings now correctly checks if this material is supported by the workflow and the assigned stations. An error message is shown if this is not the case.

  • The download of 3d files from multiple orders in bulk was not functioning properly depending on the number of orders, files, and size. This is fixed again.

  • We have fixed an issue where post-processing price on line items on quotes was shown as EUR 0,00 when a tax rate of 0% was set at the Service settings - even though the total price was not affected.


Technical Upgrade instructions for on-premise operators

We introduced a new securityContext on the button3d and backend pods. We don’t expect any impact. However, If there are Permission Denied errors happening, try to add this to the values.yaml:

serviceConfig: backend: podSecurityContext: fsGroup: "" button3d: podSecurityContext: fsGroup: ""