4.16 LTS - 2021-12-07

Every ≈6 months, we publish a Long Term Support (LTS) version. While allowing for faster iterations in-between LTS releases, this LTS version comes with extra commitment towards providing our customers with high quality software, supporting long sustained usage.

4.16 was upgraded to an LTS release on 2022.01.18 and tagged as 4.16.1 LTS.

Deploying an LTS version on your system guarantees you feature stability for at least 6 months. At the same time, we provide continued bug fixing support for at least 6 months.


Clearer part evaluation updates

For users who uploaded a part for AM evaluation, it is important to be notified if more information is needed for full evaluation, and to see the reasons why a part was rejected.

  • AM experts are now reminded to leave a comment when accepting/rejecting parts + can “request more information”

  • part authors are notified of part status changes with relevant info

  • all information is easily accessible in the part detail page

More information on how to configure this comment box can be found here.


We now allow embedding graphs & tables into a new “analytics” page while you can also hide the “old” reports page. Our newly integrated Business Intelligence Tool, allows you to query your data through dashboards and reports, while enabling easy visualization within the 3YOURMIND software or in other 3rd party software (e.g. on the TV screen on your shopfloor)

Organization Panel

Organization panel is now accessible to AMPI users with Organisation panel permissions, also when ERP is disabled

Improved UX

  • when creating or editing a part, the “continue” or “save” buttons are now always on screen and accessible.

  • There are now icons on the home quick filters

  • part detail layout was optimized


Default step duration display on part detail

Additionally to the assigned workstation, the workflow representation on a parts detail page now also features the configured default step durations of the individual workflow steps for easier overview what operations and processing times are upcoming.

General improvements

Dark Theme for the Admin Panel

The admin panel now has an additional dark theme. Whether the traditional white theme or dark theme is applied depends on your personal preference set in the browser.

For more information on this topic see Django 3.2 release notes.

See also How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser [uk.pcmag.com]

Bug fixes


  • Text search now works for selecting scores

  • several translation issues were fixed

  • warning messages for illogically negative numbers

  • 3D model related scoring now works in all documented cases

  • improved % score calculation, avoiding accidental mulitplication errors

  • thumbnail images are now showing in all cases again

  • improved loading time through optimized data use

  • updating authors through CSV upload now works again


  • Basket - When uploading multiple files into the basket, the focus now remains on the first uploaded item and does not switch with every new file that finishes analyzing.

  • Basket - The quantity number field in the basket used to be laggy. It’s now very responsive.

  • Basket - The printability warning was not shown in the 3d viewer preview. It is now shown when applicable.

  • Basket - It was not possible to clone settings for 50+ parts in the basket. This now works correctly.

  • Basket - Clicking “Send and Create Request” or “Save as a Quote” multiple times resulted in multiple created request/quotes. This is not prevented.

  • On the User Panel home screen, the recent basket section was labeled as “Recent Projects”. This could have led to confusion with the Projects section. It’s now labeled correctly.

  • Sharing projects - A project owner could not open a request created by a sharee. This has been fixed.

  • Sharing projects - When a sharee created a request, the project owner was listed as comment author of the created request instead of the sharee.

  • Sharing projects - The “Shared with” list now updates instantly when a project is shared; and not only upon reload.

  • Catalog - Post-processing methods were not shown in the Catalog. They are now displayed correctly.

  • Catalog - The “Description” column was missing in the overview table. It is displayed now.

  • Right-clicking menu items in the navigation bar now works as expected and permits to easily open new tabs.

  • “Delivery instructions” were incorrectly labeled as “Shipping instructions” on orders in both UP and SP.

  • When a Service edited an order that was not in the Service’s main currency, the fees were not converted to the currency of the service while every other amount was converted correctly. Fees are now converted correctly, too.

  • Order fees are now also correctly displayed on Requests.

  • When a service quoted a request that was submitted in a currency that was not in the Service’s main currency, the created quote was in the service’s main currency, instead of the supported customer currency. The quote is now converted correctly to the customer’s currency.

  • When adding new materials, the fields x, y, z (both min and max) and min/max production days were not mandatory, although they should have been.

  • We added missing translations on the filters on the Requests table

  • When filtering requests for multiple statuses we now show all matching documents (OR operator) instead of none.

  • Order notes and order confirmation emails were not fully translated to French and Italian. They are now.

  • When changing order status, the statuses were not translated to German. This is now fixed.

  • We fixed some inconsistencies in how prices were shown on order documents.

  • It was not possible to enable multiple post-processings if a datasheet had already been uploaded with a material. This is now fixed.

  • Post-processing pricing formulas were not displayed on the Material settings page. They are now displayed correctly.

  • On certain conditions, a faulty price formula would not raise a warning but still prevent material from being created correctly. We now show a proper error message that helps to diagnose the problem quickly.

  • Under certain conditions, the user menu on the bottom left did not open. This is now fixed.

  • On order confirmation documents the weight calculation was not correct. This is now fixed.

  • The shipping price now shows “$0.00” instead of “--/--” if the delivery type is “pickup location”

  • When re-ordering a quote that had already been ordered, in the checkout upon clicking “Payment” breadcrumb a lot of error messages were shown. This erratic behavior has been fixed.

  • When cloning a part in the Create Quote form on SP, the price of material and post-processing were deleted. This is now fixed.

  • Tax was incorrectly affected by changing the billing address although a pickup location was given. This is now fixed.

  • When creating orders in the SP, we incorrectly displayed “VAT” although “Sales Tax” was configured in the Service settings. This has been corrected.

  • Voucher discount amounts are now correctly displayed as negative amounts in the checkout and order summary.


  • A bug prohibiting users from downloading repaired multicolour 3D files was fixed.

  • A bug causing wrong behaviour of the “Back” button in Materials section was fixed.

  • Multiple bugs were fixed in the target and estimated finish date logic.

  • Misalignment of attachment icons on the part detail page was fixed.

  • The edit workflow drawer now has an improved explanatory text.

  • Workflow step creation buttons were renamed to make the behaviour more explicit.

  • Magics CSV import now includes a report for easier debugging.

  • A bug was fixed causing buttons to stay present after saving part instructions.

  • The scheduler grid misalignment was fixed by removing the vertical scrollbar in the scheduler view.

  • A bug was fixed causing the wrong error and success toasters to be displayed when uploading a new file version.

  • A bug causing the target date filter to have no effect during job creation was fixed.

  • Searching for the Job # on the job list was broken, this is now fixed.

  • A bug preventing users to perform bulk-downloads of 3D files from the job detail screen was fixed.

  • A bug was fixed that directed users to the wrong URL when scanning the QR code on the new sequence group production sheet.

  • The option that each part should receive its own page when bulk-downloading multiple production sheets is now set to default.

  • A bug causing misalignment in the production sheet header was resolved.

  • A button misalignment was fixed in the job creation process.