
September, 23rd 2019 - 3.12 is a release that includes many notable changes like pricing separation of post-processing and actual print, new ways to improve pricing strategies, additions to the CSV export, first step into machine connectivity and improved compatibility for IE11

[Agile MES] Machine Connectivity can be tested with Dummy Machines

One of the biggest values in our Agile MES is the connection to 3D Printers to get data directly from the machine. In this release, we implemented dummy machines, that make it easy for you to test the machine connectivity in the Agile MES before connecting it to a real machine. 

The Dummy machine represents your real printer in the Agile MES. You can create your own dummy Machine to understand how the MES reacts to the following events on your real printer:

  • Start a job
  • Finish a job
  • View remaining printing time sent by the printer
  • Send Warnings & Errors
  • Compare planned and actual job time


Set up a Dummy Machine

In the Service Panel:

  1. Go to Settings > Dummy Machines
  2. Add a new Dummy Machine and give a custom name

Connect the dummy Machine to a Workstation

  1. Go to Settings > Workstations
  2. Select Workstation to go to the Workstation detail
  3. Under Machine Connectivity, select the Dummy Machine from the Machine dropdown.
  4. Click on Connect
  5. Go to Schedule and refresh the page.


Send Events from Dummy Machine

Use the Dummy Machines to see how events from the machine are handled in the Agile MES. 

  1. Go to Schedule and schedule a job that is not in the past on a connected workstation
  2. Go to Settings > Dummy Machines 
  3. Choose an existing Dummy Machine to get to its detail page
  4. Verify that the correct job is identified with the Start and End time. Now several events can be sent to the workstation
    1. Start the job with the `start` button
    2. Send Errors or warnings with a custom Message 
      1. Click `Add event` to add an event
      2. Click update job to send the event to the workstation
    3. Finish the job with the `stop` button

View and reset events

To access events that occurred on a workstation, click on the red circled button next to the workstation name in the schedule. 

[Agile MES] Comments for Jobs

It is now possible to add comments for Jobs. This allows printing services to collaborate internally to discuss and document details on the job. To add comments

  1. Go to Service Panel > Schedule
  2. Click on Job to access the Job detail 
  3. Enter a comment and click save. 

[Order Management] Post-Processing Price Breakdown 

From 3.12 onward we decided to give the customer a better overview of how much he is paying for the actual print and how much he pays for post-processing. This also enables the service to see how much profit he makes on print or post-processing only. The new breakdown is visible in the order detail in user and service panel as well as all the order documents. Furthermore, we integrated the selected post-processing,  selected colour and price in the CSV export.

[Order Management] Custom Fields for Payment Methods 

Custom Payment Methods have been around for some time now but we decided to improve the way they work. You will now be able to create custom payment methods with freely customizable fields. You will also be able to decide whether or not they are required for the customer to fill out or not to complete the checkout. 

To set up one on your own you have to:

1) Go to the service panel and select settings
2) Click Payment methods and select Custom Payment from the dropdown
3) Give it a name and a description 

Now you can add as many fields as you want, name them and decide whether or not they are required for the customer to fill out or not. Everything the customer filled in you will also find again in the CSV export. 

[Order Management]  Updates to the JavaScript Pricing (Pricing based on order history and basket title) 

We added new functionalities to our JavaScript Pricing. It is now possible to construct an if condition based on a basket title. It can be used for the User Based pricing if the system is used internally and orders are placed by an employee from the Printing Service for his customers. It is now possible to paste user email into the basket title, so the system will automatically adjust the pricing logic.

It is also possible to access information about past orders from the pricing formula level. By using this system price can be changed after some amount of orders is achieved. 

To find more details please check out our updated platform documentation page.

[Order Management]  CSV Export Update 

We made some small changes in the CSV Export that will have a big impact on the ability of you to create your reports. First of all, we added "Promotion Date" which tells you when the order you are looking at was promoted to the status it is shown in in the CSV Export. If an order is for example shown as Shipped and the promotion date is 17/09/2019 you know that on this day the order was completed and promoted to the Shipped status. We also created a new column for the colour options a customer picked when selecting the respective post-processing as well as the price. 

[Order Management] IE11 compatibility for the new Basket

Good news! With 3.12 the new basket is available and fully functional also in Internet Explorer 11!

Updates on the navigation panel, amount selectors and document quantities were made to improve your experience when working with 3YOURMIND in Internet Explorer 11.

[Order Management] 3D model orientation optimization

Finally, it is now possible to automatically optimize the orientation of all uploaded in the user panel models. To access this feature, our New Basket and JavaScript pricing features need to be activated. The configuration is as simple as one click. Just go to the material pricing configuration page and choose the orientation type that you want to use below the support structure setup. 

Please note that the orientation is not yet shown in the 3D Viewer when support structures are visible. It will be added soon. Don't worry, support volume based on the new orientation was taken into calculation.

Other notable changes and fixes:

  • [Agile MES] Drag and drop of Workstations in the schedule works fine again
  • [Agile MES] Editing name of scheduled job possible
  • [Agile MES] Start/end time selector does now work in date picker widget
  • [Agile MES] User can view all reserved times on Workstation settings
  • [Agile MES] Service wants to see the exact amount of suggested Parts
  • [Agile MES] Improved error toaster when the job is scheduled

  • [Order Management] Sorting by Status is no longer faulty and filtering works fine again in Order list in User Panel
  • [Order Management] Stripe API update to comply with customer authentication update SCA 
  • [Order Management] Show Pending Verification Message for new User
  • [Order Management] Password reset is working again
  • [Order Management] Improved display of Organization panel graphs in "Orders" 
  • [Order Management] Fixed line item unit price display 
  • [Order Management] Added a redirect to login when not logged in
  • [Order Managmeent] Post-processing colour is now displayed in order documents line breakdown
  • [Order Management] Renamed PayPal to include Credit Card Payment

  • [Basket] If no Minimum Order Price is set, it is now hidden during Printing Service selection
  • [Basket] Improved post-processing display in Checkout with 
  • [Basket] Unwanted switching between New and old User Panel is resolved 
  • [Basket] Improved stability in Checkout

  • [Service Panel] Currencies now show correctly in the recent project overview
  • [Service Panel] It's possible now to search for companies in 3D Projects 

  • [Translations] Updated French Translations 
  • [Translations] Fix Language initialization

  • [Admin Panel] Accessesing Orders/Baskets in the admin panel possible again