
We are excited to announce the release of 3YOURMIND’s Agile ERP & MES 4.0!

This milestone enables more efficient and flexible processes from request over order to part production. In addition, loading time decreased up to 50%, for uploads, orders, and mass production scheduling.

With our upgraded MES, you need less time planning & producing ordered 3D parts. The full digitization of the shopfloor is empowered by the ability to create unscheduled jobs, and scheduling post-processing independently. Advanced search & filtering, and serial scheduling, makes for the planning of part production much easier.

The updated ERP enables better communication between Additive Manufacturing Centers and their customers. A more intuitive design, easily adjustable branding, and powerful filtering and searching, enables a faster ordering and order processing. It has become easier to document through enhanced capabilities to upload attachments, even after order placement, and more complete PDF exports. Last but not least, AM centers are empowered in their control of access restrictions for different employees, and a more finely configurable discount system in the 3YOURMIND pricing engine.

We also would like to announce that by the end of the year we are going to discontinue support for Internet Explorer 11, following the example of many other software companies in the industry. We recommend switching to one of our supported browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

Read more about how we help Additive Manufacturing Centers produce more in less time while ordering of 3D parts became faster & more intuitive below.

[Agile ERP] User Access Restrictions

After a long time waiting for it, we are glad to announce the release of the User Access Restrictions

The release of this feature enables different levels of access to each of the users that have access to your Service Panel, this is:

  • Sales → Access to Agile ERP part of the Service Panel

  • Operator → Access to Agile MES part of the Service Panel

  • Admin → all the above mentioned, plus access to all settings and pricing formulas

Let the employees within your organization focus on what they do best, remove confusing/ misleading menus and screens, and increase the security of your platform.

[Agile ERP] Discounts to be entered as JavaScript

With the 4.0 release, discount rules logic in our software will be changed. Now discount can be configured within the JavaScript pricing formula where you can easily add them, apply even negative fees. This gives printing services more flexibility in building discount rules for their customers. Discounts can always be applied by adapting the Java Script pricing formula assigned to each 3D Production Offer so that it includes exactly the same conditions you had before with the Discount section. Note that this also means that discounts are not shown separately anymore but are included in the total price.
We have created “Discount documentation“ where you can find detailed information and instructions on how to apply the new discounts.

This is helping to remove redundant architecture and making the software leaner.

[Agile ERP] Attach files to your Orders, Quotes and Requests

If you placed an order, but you forgot to add an important file, now you can attach it to your Order in 3YOURMIND software.

Similarly, if you are a Printing Service user that wants to share some file with your end customer, you can simply attach them to the Order.

This feature increases flexibility towards more efficient communication through the platform, concentrating all shared resources in only one place and saving time.


[Agile ERP] Corporate branding customization

Change the colors of the platform to match your corporate ones!

Just choose the main colour of the platform and all the visual elements in it will adapt automatically, e.g. buttons, text, icons

Note: from 4.0 onward, the color applied by default will be XXXX in the User Panel and XXXX in the Service Panel. In case you want this to be changed please notify our support.

[Agile MES] Scale up your production

To increase performance, individual sequences have been removed. A parts sequences are now grouped with an assigned quantity. Each sequence group represents a batch of sequences with the same job history. This architectural change now enables the MES to work a lot more performant, reducing waiting and loading times during scheduling, job creation, or workflow assignment significantly.


[Agile MES] Scheduling of Post-processing jobs

Schedule post-processing jobs individually just like printing jobs. Worklists have been removed from the Agile MES.


[Agile MES] Validation for rescheduling and workflow assignment

When assigning a workflow to a part, the MES carries out a validation if the assigned workflow contains a workstation that are able to process the parts required material. While rescheduling via drag and drop or the Reschedule feature a validation is carried out to make sure the newly assigned workstation is part of the parts workflow and can process the required material.


[Agile MES] Updates to Part detail view

The part detail view shows more valuable information now. All sequence groups are listed with their past, current, and scheduled jobs. The step each sequence group is currently in is visualised alongside its quantity.


[Agile MES] Removed Material property of jobs

Jobs do not need a specified material anymore. Parts with different materials can be combined in the same job.

[Agile MES] Removal of workstation types

The differentiation of printing and processing workstations has been removed. All workstations now share the same settings options and previously unused settings options have been removed. Also, all workstations can be arranged freely in the scheduler.

[Agile MES] Introducing unscheduled Jobs

During job creation, deactivate the Schedule switch to create an unscheduled job. Unscheduled jobs do not need a duration, start or end time and are added to the job list. Unscheduled jobs can be found easily by applying the Unscheduled filter for the job status and assigning job times from the job detail view.



  • [Agile ERP] Attached Purchase Orders are shown in Order detail view

  • [Agile ERP] added Russian Currency

  • [Agile ERP] Publish switch in Service Panel > Materials > Post-Processings is more noticeable now

  • [Agile ERP] Everyone is now able to use API v2

  • [Agile MES] Jobs have a default name Job #ID

  • [Agile MES] Job Scrapping of Started and Finished Jobs only

  • [Agile MES] Dummy machines now gated behind a feature switch

  • [Agile MES] Adding/editing reserved times checks the schedule for time conflicts

  • [Agile MES] Added sort option for alphabetical sorting of parts

  • [Agile MES] Update job detail toasters to give more informative error messages

  • [Agile MES] Grey circle for offline machines

  • [Agile MES] Block job start if parts are not in the correct step, indication via tooltip

  • [Agile MES] Workstation Type Selection removed, all workstations now use the same settings

  • [Agile MES] Updates to Scheduler view, workstations can be arranged freely via drag and drop

  • [Agile MES] Added searching and filtering in the job creation drawer

  • [Agile MES] Reserved Times creation moved to Settings > Workstation > Reserved Times

Fixed bugs

  • [Agile ERP] Reordering no longer behaves wrong

  • [Agile ERP] Printability analysis result for files in inches is fixed

  • [Agile ERP] Order number now matches project-container number

  • [Agile ERP] fixe the sales transaction selection of workflows

  • [Agile ERP] Tooltip hovers appear correctly again

  • [Agile MES] applying filter on pp workstation no longer causes problems

  • [Agile MES] Part detail 3d Viewer opens again

  • [Agile MES] Add workstation drawer is no longer showing old workstation configuration

  • [Agile MES] No sequences displayed "In this Job" shows now the correct sequences

  • [Agile MES] Machine lights are no longer all grey

  • [Agile MES] finished/total ratio now does show Part total quantity

  • [Agile MES] Job List called Schedule in Left Nav Panel got renamed to job list

  • [Agile MES] Scheduler grid alignment fixed

Removed functionality Agile ERP 4.0

  • Scaling

  • Custom Templates 

  • Material Comparison changed 

  • Anonymous Uploads

  • Sharing to other Users via E-Mail

  • API v1

Removed functionality Agile MES 4.0

  • Workstation type

  • Working hours for workstations

  • Production buffer

  • Dynamic worklists

  • Part suggestions