Configuring Payment Methods

Configuring Payment Methods

The Agile ERP supports a number of different payment methods to match the unique requirements of our customers. Particularly in enterprise companies, it is important to properly configure the payment methods at the outset so that it matches the other procurement processes in the organization.

Existing Payment Methods are:

Adding New Payment Methods

You can add as many payment methods as you would like to your service, but at least one method must remain active for the user panel to show to your customers or employees.

  1. Go to the Service Panel > Settings > Payment Methods

  2. Click the button Add Payment Method


  3. Select from the available options, Invoice, Internal Order, Purchase Order, Credit Card via Stripe, PayPal, Custom Payment Method

  4. Depending on the Payment Type, you will have various additional steps to complete to configure the order.

  5. Click Save

Editing Payment Methods

You can adjust the payment methods at any time by returning to the settings panel.

  1. Go to the Service Panel > Settings > Payment Methods

  2. Hover over the payment method you want to adjust and click the Edit Icon