Defining Pickup Locations 

Defining Pickup Locations 

Especially in larger organizations, your customers may not need parts shipped to them but instead will be picked up in a company site or in a corner of the production hall. Serve this possibility, any locations where parts can be stored for pickup can now be added under settings and selected during the checkout process.

Configure a Pickup Location

  1. Go to Service Panel > Settings > Pickup Locations

  2. Click Add Pickup Location

  3. Set the Name that will appear to users.

  4. Include any Instructions that are important to know about that location such as accessible hours, directions, telephone number for questions, etc.

  5. Click Save.

User Experience

During the checkout, each user will be able to choose between shipping or selecting a pickup location. If there is more than one location, they can select from that list and the information will be connected to the entire ordering process.