Material Configuration

Material Configuration


Within the Service Workspace, you can maintain a clear overview of the Material offers that you provide and adjust all the production aspects that affect pricing, post-processing costs, etc.

Configuring Materials

To configure your materials click on Materials in the side menu.

  1. Go to Service Workspace > Materials

  2. Click on Add Material and select the material you want to provide.

  3. Complete the Configuration and pricing.

  4. Click Publish


If a material is not available in the list, reach out to your Project Manager with the following information: 

  • Material Name

  • Data Sheet (preferably in multiple languages)

Minimum Configuration

To offer a material in production, you must configure at least the following:

Required Settings

Optional Configurations


Defining Display Order of Materials and Post-Processings

You can define the display order of Materials and Post-Processing options using drag & drop. This allows precise control over how materials and post-processing (PP) methods appear in the Customer Workspace basket and material selection dialogs in the Service Workspace.

How the Display Order Works

  • Materials and PPs can be manually reordered in the Customer Workspace material settings.

  • The set order applies in multiple areas:

    • Basket (Customer Workspace)

    • Create/Edit Quotes/Orders (Service Workspace)

If there are multiple services within an organization, then the materials will be displayed in alphabetic order in the basket to avoid display order conflicts.

Within the Service, e.g. in the Create Order form, the chosen display order will be respected regardless of how many Services there are in the organization.

How to Set Display Order for Materials and Post-Processings

  1. Click on "Edit Basket Order" to enter the ordering configuration screen. This will bring up a draggable list of materials (or post-processings).

  2. Use Drag-and-Drop to arrange the materials (or post-processings) in your preferred order.

  3. Click "Apply" to save the order.


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