Setting Shipping Methods

Setting Shipping Methods

Shipping methods are an important part of completing an order to determine the cost and delivery time of each part. In the marketplace model, this is also key for showing an advantage to the other AM services. You also have the option to setup Pickup Locations for picking up parts in person.


Adding a New Shipping Method

There is no limit to the number shipping methods that are available to your customer during the ordering process.

  1. Go to Service Panel > Settings > Shipping Methods

  2. Click Add a Shipping Method


  3. Input Name and Description 
    (both visible to customers during the checkout process)

  4. Set the Price excluding Tax
    (Tax is calculated in the total price based on the appropriate Tax Rate )

  5. Add a Minimum and Maximum Shipping Time
    (These are used for calculating total Delivery Time)

  6. Select Countries where this selection is shipping method can be used.

Pro Tip:
You can use the same Shipping Method Name with different Selected Countries to capture the correct pricing matrix. For example, you may have a different cost for shipping within your state, your country or your continent.

User Experience

During the checkout, each user will be able to choose between shipping or selecting a pickup location. If there is more than one location, they can select from that list and the information will be connected to the entire ordering process.

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