Saving and Approving Quote

Saving and Approving Quote

Quotes are used for negotiating and confirming orders. Quotes can be created, saved and downloaded as a PDF to compare various options or to get approval from a manager or team member before ordering. Any requests that needed manual pricing by the Printing Service also appear as quotes for the buyer to approve as orders once the price has been confirmed by the Printing Service.


Creating a New quote

  1. Upload at least one 3D file from the homepage

  2. Select a material, printing service and post-processing method

  3. If helpful, use Advanced Materials Comparison

  4. Click Continue > Save as a Quote

Downloading quotes as PDF

  1. Navigate to Quotes in the side menu

  2. Click on a quote to see the Detail View

  3. Use the Create PDF button in order to export the details of your quote into a PDF file

  4. Input a shipping address, billing address and shipping method to refine the final price, so that it appears on the quote

  5. The PDF quote will be generated and can be downloaded


You can access the PDF again in the future by returning to the quote and clicking Create PDF.

Approving quotes as Orders

When you have finished clarifying the production details with the printing service, or want to approve a manual price request, the Quote can be directly made as a full order.

  1. Navigate to Quotes in the side menu

  2. Click a quote to see the Detail View

  3. Use Place Order to begin the checkout sequence

  4. Input a shipping address, billing address and shipping method

If these items have previously been defined to download the quote as a pdf, you will move straight to the billing information.

5. Select an available payment method and approve the applicable Terms & Conditions
6. Click Place Order

Editing quotes

If your quote needs to be adjusted based on changed part conditions, new materials, updated files or recommendations from the printing services, that can easily be completed in the platform.

  1. Navigate to Quotes in the side menu

  2. Click a quote to see the Detail View

  3. Use Edit Quote to reload current selections in the basket view

  4. Once you have updated your selections you can either save it once again as a New Quote or immediately proceed to Place an Order