User Based Pricing Scripts

User Based Pricing Scripts

This page contains the available variables and example algorithms using User Based Pricing Scripts.
To see how Pricing Scripts work, read General Rules for Pricing Scripts .


User Based Pricing is supported throughout the entire ordering processes. This allows your service to customize pricing based on specific roles within the organization.

Available Variables






Full name of the user


Email address of the user


The domain of the current site


Number of the customer


The country which is assigned in the address.

Example: DE for Germany


User language


Example Use Cases




user.email && user.email.includes()

Determines whether a user email address includes a specific phrase

user.email && user.email.includes(‘3yourmind’);

is true for user@3yourmind.comuser@3yourmind.de3yourmind@mail.com

user.email && user.email.startsWith()

Determines whether a user email address starts with a specific phrase

user.email && user.email.startsWith(‘user’);

is true for user@3yourmind.comuser@3yd.de, false for test.user@3yourmind.com

user.email && user.email.endsWith()

Checks if user email address ends with a specific phrase

user.email && user.email.endsWith(‘3yourmind.com’);

is true for user@3yourmind.com, but false for user@3yourmind.de

user.email && user.email.match()

Compares if user email matches a regular expression

user.email && user.email.match(‘user@3yourmind.com);


Sample User Pricing

Offer a 10% discount if the email address ends with “@3yourmind.com“

let price = model.volume * 0.0002; if (user.email && user.email.endsWith("@3yourmind.com")) { price = 0.9 * price; } price; // Last line contains the final price


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