Material Pricing Scripts based on Material Cost

Material Pricing Scripts based on Material Cost

This page contains a listing of available variables under Materials pricing and sample pricing scripts for different technologies.

For a general overview of how Pricing Scripts work, read General Rules for Pricing Scripts.

Pricing to Capture Material Cost

The material is used to print both the part itself and support structures underneath it (when necessary). In case of some of the technologies, the inside of the part will not be filled with the material completely, but instead there will be a repetitive infill structure which will also be included in the material cost calculation.

General Form for Material Pricing Scripts

The basic form that we recommend for the Javascript code for calculating the material-related cost is:

let materialPrice = ; // $/kg or €/kg let materialDensity = ; // g/cm^3 let supportPrice = ; // $/kg or €/kg let supportDensity = ; // g/cm^3 let infill = ; // number in [0,1] let supportInfill = ; // number in [0,1] let wallThickness = ; // mm let materialUsed = Math.max((model.volume - model.area*wallThickness)*infill, 0) + Math.min(model.area*wallThickness, model.volume); let totalMaterialPrice = (materialUsed*materialDensity*materialPrice + support.volume*supportPrice*supportDensity*supportInfill)*0.000001; totalMaterialPrice;

Each variable can then be defined with a constant value or mathematical calculation using available variables from the 3YOURMIND model analysis (next section).

Technologies without Walls (SLS; DMLS, MJF)
If there is no wall, one needs to simply put wallThickness = 0 (for example, in SLS, DMLS and MJF all parts are 100% filled with material, hence there is no need to introduce the wallThickness variable).

Technologies without Support
If there are no support structures, one can either remove all variables containing the word "support" from the formula, or simply put supportInfill = 0.

Variables Defined by 3YOURMIND Model Analysis for Material Pricing

This listing are all variables that are derived from each uploaded 3D model.






Volume of the 3D model in mm3


Area of the 3D model in mm2


Height of the 3D model in mm


Width of the 3D model in mm


Depth of the 3D model in mm


Number of separated shells in 3D model


Bounding box volume of the 3D model in mm3


Convex hull volume of the model in mm3


Concave hull volume of the model in mm3, calculated with a max edge length of 55mm


Volume of the solid support structures in mm3


Area of the model connected to support structures in mm2


Quantity of the same geometry in the basket.
(Because the pricing script define a unit price, this variable is needed for quantity-based discounts.

User Properties

See the variable listing under User Based Pricing Scripts

Sample Material Pricing Scripts

This section contains sample scripts based on specific technologies and materials.
These pricing scripts can be copied directly into the platform and the variables can be adjusted according to your specific workflow and pricing.


//Variables starting with keyword "let" are adjustable by customers //Material cost const materialPrice = 70 // € or $ const materialDensity = 1.29 // g/cm^3 const supportPrice = 30 // €/kg or $/kg const supportDensity = 1.29 // g/cm^3 const infill = 0.7 // number in [0,1] const supportInfill = 0.3 // number in [0,1] const wallThickness = 1 // mm const partVolume = model.volume; const surfaceArea = model.area; const supportVolume = support.volume; const materialUsedInfill = Math.max((partVolume - surfaceArea * wallThickness) * infill, 0) const materialUsedContour = Math.min(surfaceArea * wallThickness, partVolume) const materialUsed = materialUsedInfill + materialUsedContour const totalMaterialPrice = (materialUsed * materialDensity * materialPrice + supportVolume * supportPrice * supportDensity * supportInfill) * 0.000001 // final unit price const margin = 3; let price = totalMaterialPrice * margin; price;


SLS (PA12)

//Variables starting with keyword "let" are adjustable by customers let maxVolume = 380 * 284 * 380; // dimensions of the printer let materialCost = 60; // euro/kg let density = 1.02; // g/cm^3 let machineRate = 50; // euro/hour let maxPrintTime = 14; // printing time of a full building chamber let margin = 5; // total price is multiplied with margin // Price calculation let material = model.volume * materialCost * density * 0.000001; let time = (model.convex_hull_volume * maxPrintTime) / maxVolume; let price = margin * (material + time * machineRate); // Last line must contain final price price;


SLA (Accura ClearVue)


DMLS (Aluminum ALSI10MG)

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