Defining statuses and workflows

With our update to version 22.11 we have updated our part status and workflow framework. We have moved away from our previous system of status transitions, in favour of a streamlined and linear workflow approach.

Workflow visualization on AMPI part detail page, indicating the current part status
and already completed workflow steps

Creating & deleting statuses

In our new system, statuses and a corresponding workflow can now be created directly in the settings section of AMPI. Any user with AM Expert rights can access, create, update and delete part statuses, as well as workflows.

Note: A status can only be deleted, if no part has this status assigned anymore. Please update parts to a different status in order to make the deletion of the entire status possible.

List of configured statuses in AMPI settings

In order to enter the workflow and status creation, simply enter the Settings page by clicking Settings in the left-hand navigation menu. Per created status, multiple aspects such as notifications, permissions and update-reasons can be configured.

Note: Rejecting parts is a dedicated functionality, which can only be performed by AM Experts and is not configurable, it is therefore not required to create any “Rejected” status.

Configuration options per status

Per status, AM Experts can specify:

  • the Type a status belongs to

    • Initial

    • Assessment

    • Qualification'*

    • Production'**

  • if a comment is required, when moving any part into this status

  • pre-defined update-reasons to select from when moving a part into this status

  • permissions if author, assignee or experts can

    • see, edit, delete a part in this status

    • move parts into this status

  • permissions if a part can be added to basket while in this status

  • configuration if author, assignee or expert should be notified when part updates are performed

'* The type Qualification is required to allow Expert users to use Qualification features of the platform. Please make sure you assign the Qualification type to any status in which your Expert users require access to the AM part configuration from.

Example configuration

The displayed sample configuration below of the assessment status can be used as a reference or example of controlling user rights and permissions.

In this configuration:

  • Only the Author of a part can move it into the assessment stage, after filling all part information he or she has available

    • a comment is not required when performing this update

    • the reason “Time Saving” can be chosen if it applies for this part submission

  • Author, Assignee and Expert can see parts in the status assessment

  • Only Assignee and Expert are allowed to edit the parts in this status

  • While only the Expert user is allowed to delete a part in the assessment phase

  • No user is allowed to add the part to the basket and hence ordering the part during the assessment phase is not possible

  • Only Author and Assignee are being notified about part updates


Creating workflows

After creating and configuring the required statuses, Experts simply need to put these statuses in order in the Workflow section to create a workflow. Please make sure you have at least one status with the type Qualification assigned to it in the workflow, if you intend to use the feature.

During workflow creation the configuration of each status can be checked by hovering over the Permissions, Notifications or Reasons buttons.

Workflow Steps can be added at the bottom, or inserted directly in the workflow by clicking any of the + icons. It is not required that all existing statuses are part of the workflow, statuses can be freely deleted from the workflow if not required.