Sequence Validation Rules When Creating or Editing Jobs

Sequence Validation Rules When Creating or Editing Jobs

This document outlines the rules applied when deciding if a part should be shown in the 'Parts Available' section during job creation or editing. These rules ensure that only those parts that are truly available for scheduling are displayed.

The following rules are checked on the Create Job form

  • when deciding which parts to show in the Parts Available section

  • when clicking on Create Job


From the part detail view sequences can be added into a new Create Job form with potentially an invalid configuration, e.g. adding sequences that were already printed and selecting the printer again as a workstation. Running the checks while clicking “Create Job” guards against case.

Rule name

Validation message


When applicable

Rule name

Validation message


When applicable

Workflow Support Workstation

The current workstation does not support the workflow of the sequence.

The workstation must be supported by the workflow of the sequence.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing either the workstation or sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

Workstation Support Material

The current workstation does not support the material of the sequence.

The workstation has to support the material of the sequence.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing either the workstation or sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

Sequence Not Scheduled or Processed on Workstation

This workstation does not allow repeated scheduling and the sequence is already included in a job at this workstation.

The sequence must not have been included in a job with the same workstation before.

Since version 24.4 this rule can be turned off for individual workstations. In the workstation settings enable “Allow repeated part sequence scheduling”.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing either the workstation or sequences of the job. It’s important to note, that the currently edited job is not taken into account

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

Sequence Not Scheduled or Processed in a Printing Job

The sequence was already included in a printing job.

When creating a printing job, the sequence must not have been included in a printing job before.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing either the workstation or sequences of the job. It’s important to note, that the currently edited job is not taken into account

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

Not Too Far in the Workflow for Workstation

The current workstation is placed before the current workflow step in the workflow of the sequence.

The workflow step that supports the workstation must be the current workflow step of the sequence or must be still placed further in the workflow.

  • Job creation

  • Parts Available table. Here is a little inconsistency, because we don’t apply this rule on job edit, but we do apply it when showing Parts Availalbe in sequence change drawer.

  • Job duplication

Sequence Not Scheduled Within Timeslot

The sequence is already scheduled in another job that overlaps with this job.

A sequence cannot be scheduled in two jobs that overlap in time.

  • Job creation - when creating a scheduled job

  • Job edit - when editing either the timeslot or sequences of the job. It’s important to note, that the currently edited job is not taken into account

  • Parts Available table - if user have chosen the duration of the job while creating it, and always in sequences change drawer. It is technically possible, that while creating the job, user will add the sequence to the job and will choose the duration for the job afterwards. This can result in a situation, where the sequence would not normally be shown in Parts Available after choosing the duration, but it was already added to the job. This can lead to an error when creating the job.

  • Job duplication

Sequence from Current Service

The sequence does not belong to this service.

The sequence must belong to the current service.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing the sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table

Overquantity Allowed

Overquantity cannot be applied to the sequence because it is not in the first workflow step.

If overquantity is being applied, the sequence must pass several checks, such as being in the first workflow step or the job not being started yet.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing the sequences of the job

  • Job duplication. In this context, we are not checking whether overquantity can be applied, but rather whether it was not removed in the meantime.

Order Not in Done Status

The order of the sequence is already in a status of type DONE (e.g. Shipped).

The ERP order of the sequence must not be already in a status of type DONE (e.g., shipped).

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing the sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

MesPart Not Deleted

The MES part linked to the sequence is already deleted.

The MES part linked to the sequence must not be deleted.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing the sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

Sequence Not Scrapped

The sequence is already scrapped.

The sequence must not be scrapped.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing the sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

Sequence Already in the Last Step

The sequence is already in the last workflow step.

A sequence that is already in the last workflow step cannot be added to a job.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing the sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table

  • Job duplication

Sequence Found

The sequence was not found in the system.

The sequence must exist in the system.

  • Job creation

  • Job edit - when editing the sequences of the job

  • Parts Available table


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