Configuring Production Sheets

Location in the admin panel

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Admin panel configuration

While creating or configuring production sheets in the Admin Panel, the following fields are available






We use Django templating engine in order to create pdf files.You need to create a Django template and input it here.Refer to the examples in the section: Types of sheets. You can find the available context data here:

Template name

Name visible in the AP.


This will be shown in the UI when downloading the sheets.


To which service this sheet belongs to.If left empty, the sheet will be available for all services.

Use one page per part

This setting forces the pdf exporter to split the pdf into multiple pages.Please contact technical support in order to adjust this setting.


The type of the sheet. One of Part, Job, Sequence.
This will be used to filter out not suitable sheets in the UI.

This field was added with version 23.6

Types of sheets



It contains info about single (or multiple) MES parts.

It can be downloaded either from the MES Parts list page:

or from the MES Part detail page:



It contains info about a single job and its sequences.

It can be downloaded from the Job detail page:




It contains info about single (or multiple) sequences.

It can be downloaded from the MES Part detail page:

Which Production Sheets (from AP) are used when downloading

  1. If you have no template sheet created in the admin panel for a given service, then the default template from the codebase will be used

  2. If exactly one template sheet is created, then there will be no dropdown and this one will be used

  3. If you have more than one template defined, then a dropdown will be shown and you will be able to choose


Sheets with the name parts/production_sheet_by_job.html are always excluded, so they will not count

Problem with defining only one production sheet per service

Mind, that if you will have only one sheet created for a given service, it will be used for to download all of the sheet types.
It can lead to a situation where you will use the Part production sheet to download the Job production sheet.
In this scenario you either need to define the additional Sequence and Job sheets or not define any sheets.


New in 23.6.0

  • sheets with name parts/production_sheet_by_job.html are no longer excluded

  • sheets are filtered by type. For example, only sheets with the type Job will be considered while downloading Job Production Sheets on the job detail page.
    It means that the problem with defining only one sheet per service is no longer applicable.