Enabling and Configuring the Catalog

Enabling and Configuring the Catalog

Dedicated Cloud or On-Premise Customers

  1. Enabling the Catalog:

    a. Go to the Admin panel.

    b. Navigate to Organization > General Settings & Features.

    c. Enable the Catalog and click Save.

  2. Configuring the Catalog:

    To configure the Catalog, you must be a Catalog Admin, a role responsible for adding and maintaining items in the Catalog.
    a. Go to the Admin panel.

    b. Navigate to Home › B3_Organization › Organizations › User Roles.

    c. Add the user to Catalog admins and click Save.

More information on this role can be found at Roles & User Rights

Shared Cloud Customers

  • Enabling and Configuring the Catalog:

    Contact your project manager for both enabling and configuring the Catalog.