Creating and Configuring Part Requirements

Creating and Configuring Part Requirements


Parts Requirements help production engineers to obtain a more complete set of production data when customers are placing their orders.

This feature enables Printing Services to define forms that collect additional information from customers. This minimizes delays waiting for customers to provide that information later in the process and helps provide more accurate pricing and production.

Creating a New Form

  1. Navigate to Administration Panel > B3_FORMS2 > Forms.

  2. Click ADD FORM.

  3. Enter a Name.

  4. In Site select an Organization.

  5. At this point in time, you can already Save and the Form will be created.

However, it makes sense to complete the configuration of the new Form. For more details see Creating and Editing Forms

You can create as many different Part Requirement Forms as you need. However, only one can be active per Organization.

Enabling Which Form Is Used In the Order Process

If you have only one Form, then it will be enabled and selected automatically and there is no further action needed. In case you have several Forms, then per Organization, you need to select which Form should be active.

  1. Navigate to Home › B3_Organization › Organizations › <YOUR ORGANIZATION>

  2. In Part requirement forms enabled, select the Form that should be active.

  3. Save your changes.

The selected Form will be loaded automatically for each part that is uploaded by users into the Basket.

Multiple Part Requirement Forms

It is also possible to enable multiple forms at the same time. To enable multiple forms

  1. Navigate to Home › B3_Organization › Organizations › <YOUR ORGANIZATION>

  2. In Part requirement forms enabled, select all the Forms that should be active.

    1. Use CTRL or CMD - Click to select multiple entries in the list

  3. Save your changes.

When multiple Forms are enabled, users have to select one Form while uploading parts in the Basket. It is possible to select a different Form for each uploaded part.


 For further information see also sub-pages

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