Creating and Editing Orders as a Service

As a Service user, you have the flexibility to create and manage orders directly for your clients. Our interface provides a single, comprehensive form that displays all the necessary information in one place, enhancing efficiency and the capabilities of the Service.

Creating a New Order

To create a new order, follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Orders Table

In the Service Panel, go to the Orders table and select 'Create Order'.

Step 2: Use the Create Order Page

On the Create Order page, you can input all the order-related information. Once done, click on 'Create Order' to proceed.

Detailed Steps for Order Creation

Step 1: Modify the Project Name (Optional)

Click on the pencil icon on the right to edit the project name. Replace the default project name and then click on the checkmark to save your changes.

Step 2: Specify the Customer

Use the search function to find and select the customer for whom you're creating the order.

Step 3: Add an Order Reference (Optional)

You can provide an order reference if necessary. This is optional and can be left blank.

Step 4: Upload Item(s)

At least one item must be uploaded for the order. For each uploaded item, you can specify the material, post-processing, and set a price. You have the option to choose the suggested price or modify it according to your needs. The suggested prices are pre-filled for convenience and faster order creation.

Additionally, you can alter the part requirements for each part. These part requirements are configured in the admin panel.

These part requirements are set up in the admin panel.

Step 5: Apply Additional Fees or Discounts

If any additional fees or discounts apply to this order, specify them here.

Step 6: Set Shipping and Payment Options

Choose the appropriate shipping and payment methods. Note that addresses are limited to those specified in the 3YOURMIND customer account. If you need to change or add new addresses, click on “Edit customer addresses”. After making the necessary changes, click on “Reload addresses” to update the list of available addresses.

Remember, the shipping price may differ from the suggested price after modification.

Step 7: Review and Create Order

Before you finalize the order, review all cost-related details in the summary section. If everything is correct, click on “Create Order” to create your order.

You can see the summary of all costs in the summary section. After checking everything is correct, you can click on “Create Order” to create your order.

Please note, if you abort the 'Create Order' process at any point, all information entered on the 'Create Order' form will be lost. Always ensure to save your progress or finalize the creation process to secure your inputs.

Creating an Order from a Quote

To create an Order from a Quote, open the Quote and click More Actions - Create Order.

This will open a new “Order from Quote” form, pre-filled with all information that was part of the initial Quote. To complete the form, the same steps apply as described above in Creating a Quote.


The customer cannot be changed when creating an order from a quote.

It is possible to create multiple orders from the same quote. This is a valid use case enabling orders in serial production.

Editing an Order

To edit an existing Order, open the Order that you want to change. Under More Actions, click on Edit Order.

Editing an order is only allowed while the order is still in the initial state and not in progress, yet.

The same form as when creating an Order will load, however, prefilled with the existing Order information. You can change any Order detail - except for the customer - and confirm your changes by clicking Save.


Editing an Order creates a new revision each time the order is saved. This is visible through an increment of the internal order number.

Who can Create or Edit Orders?

Service Panel users with the role of ERP Manager can create or edit Orders. See also .