Creating jobs in the MES


The job creation process can be started by clicking Create Job on the Jobs list or Schedule page. Further, when clicking directly in the scheduler, the job creation drawer opens with the times and workstation prefilled, depending on where the user clicks.


  1. A workstation exists and materials are assigned in the workstation settings

  2. A workflow is created with workstations assigned to steps

  3. A workflow is assigned to a part


Creating new Jobs

The job creation process can be started by clicking Create Job on the Jobs list or Schedule page.

  1. Click on Create Job

  2. [optional] Add a Job Name

  3. Select a workstation from the workstation dropdown

  4. To schedule a job

    • Select the planned start time

    • Set/Adjust the job duration

      • Time duration is currently set manually but will be automated in the future

  5. To create an unscheduled job deactivate the Schedule Job toggle

    1. You don’t have to fill out a Start date or Duration

    2. Jobs without a Start date are found on the job list with the status “Unscheduled”

  6. The Agile MES will automatically list all parts available for scheduling in a table

    1. A number of checks are performed to determine which parts to show as available. For a complete list of checks see

  7. To Add Parts select at least one part

    • after adding parts to a job you can adjust the sequence quantity in this job with the + / - buttons in the quantity column

  8. At the bottom right, finish job creation by clicking Create Job

When creating a job via the Scheduler, the job creation drawer opens with start date and workstation prefilled, depending on where you clicked.

Smart calculation of Start date, Finish date, and Duration

While creating or editing a job you can set the following values to schedule the job:

  • Start date

  • Finish date

  • Duration

While changing one of the three values, out of the remaining two values, one will remain fixed, while the other will get re-calculated. The following table shows when which value gets recalculated.

When editing this value

this value is fixed

this value is recalculated

When editing this value

this value is fixed

this value is recalculated

Start date


Finish date

Finish date*

Start date



Start date

Finish date

*When changing the Finish date to fall before the Start date, then the Duration remains fixed and the Start date is recalculated to avoid calculating a negative duration.

Seeing the current build volume

During the job creation, the current build volume of a job is displayed when the selected workstation has max dimensions defined.

See also

The current build volume of the job is shown on the right

If the selected workstation has no max dimensions defined, or if no workstation is selected, then the number of parts added to the job (“Parts in this Job”) is shown instead.


Detecting started jobs via Machine Connectivity

When a job is already scheduled, i.e. the job has a start and end time, then the MES can automatically detect if that job is started on the printer.