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Digital Inventory Management

Improved Request and Quote Management with Rejection Capability

Customers can now receive better communication and clarity from services through the new request and quote rejection feature. Services can formally reject requests or quotes that cannot be fulfilled and provide a reason for rejection, which is stored along with the rejected request or quote. With rejected requests and quotes hidden from the overview, services can focus their attention on requests that still require attention. This feature improves communication and overview, ultimately leading to better customer satisfaction.

With this new functionality, we’re also unifying and extending it to orders. Instead of setting an order to "Cancelled," we now mark them as "Rejected". Similar to requests and quotes, a rejected order now carries the status "Rejected" and allows for a rejection reason to be stored.

To facilitate the rejection process for each of the three types (request, quote, and order), we offer the option to define an email template in the admin panel.

This updated behavior brings about changes in the underlying data model. If you are an Enterprise customer with Full Access to Analytics, please also read the following section.

Platform documentation:

See also

75% faster loading time of the material list in the basket

We've made significant improvements to the loading time of the material list in the basket, resulting in an average speed increase of 75%. The faster loading time translates to a smoother, more efficient user experience.


New Reports to track AMPI parts and User Activity

We have added the following new charts to the standard dashboards. The package (Professional, Professional+, Enterprise) for which it is available is shown in brackets.

  • User Management

    • Number of users logged in past 30 days (Professional)

    • Number of new users registered per month (Professional+)

  • Part Lifecycle Management

    • Number of new parts submitted per month (Professional+)

Other improvements

Improved Attachment Upload with Enhanced Functionality and Progress Bar

Our file upload component has been updated with enhanced functionality to limit file size and format, and now includes a progress bar to provide customer convenience and clarity throughout the file upload process. The new component replaces the previous version throughout AMPI and the catalog, offering users a smoother and more streamlined file upload experience. With this update, customers can upload files with confidence knowing that their files will be accepted if they meet the size and format requirements.

Old Basket Removed

As per the New Basket Design rollout plan, we have removed the old version of the basket from our code base. Switching back to the old design is not possible anymore.

See also

Enhanced Material View with Separate Price Calculation

To improve user experience and efficiency, we've updated the material view in the basket wizard. Now, end-users can instantly view a list of materials, assessing their availability without waiting for individual price calculations.

This enhancement ensures users can make quicker decisions by viewing material details upfront while the system calculates prices in the background.

Bug fixes

  • [ERP] Fixed an issue that caused several error messages to pop up when saving a basket configuration under certain conditions.

  • [ERP] Fixed an issue where clicking 'Edit customer addresses' in the Shipping & Billing section while creating an order replaced the current tab instead of opening in a new tab, preventing loss of unsaved changes; the feature now operates as expected, opening the edit page in a new tab.

  • [ERP] Rectified a frontend issue where long material names caused the corresponding price to split across two lines in the basket; the system now ensures that the price (value and unit) is always displayed on a single line, regardless of the length of the material name.

  • [MES] Fixed internal links in various places to open in the same tab instead of a new tab.

  • [Analytics] The Catalog dashboard now correctly displays the “Order volume (€) per Catalog part”.

Administration Actions

Analytics: Update your custom order queries to consider the new rejected status

  • For Enterprise customers with Full Analytics access -

With this release, we changed how canceled orders are treated. Instead of an order Status == Cancelled, an order now has a simple flag, Is Rejected , on the Order Order table.

In case you are using the models we provide in the Default Collection, e.g. Model - ERP - Orders with Order Status, then you don’t have to do anything. We have updated the models to already consider the change.

However, if you created your own custom queries around orders, you may have to update them. If in any of those custom queries you filter out canceled orders manually, you should update the queries as follows.

Instead of filtering by the Cancelled order status, you should filter by the Is Rejected flag.

As an example, see the content of the Model - ERP - Orders with Order Status