General Material Settings

General Material Settings

The general settings define when a certain material is visible to the customers, as well as other production criteria. 

Configuring a Material

Properly defining the criteria you use to classify print jobs is an important part of the pre-evaluation process for models.

  1. Input the Minimum and Maximum Dimensions for the build chamber in the section “Accepted 3D Model Dimensions”. A printability warning will be shown to users in the Basket if the uploaded model does not fit the boundaries.
    (For that case you can enforce manual pricing, see https://3yourmind.atlassian.net/l/cp/4WfukPHL )

  2. Production Time which will influence the total delivery time.

  3. [optional] Upload the Datasheets which will be shown to your customers.

  4. [optional] Set a safety stock level for the material

  5. Click Save.

If you want to upload a data sheet in multiple languages it must be compiled in one PDF to be able to upload it all at once. 

Publishing or Unpublishing a Material

To make a material public to customers, set the material to ‘offered’.

  • Publish a material by clicking on the Toggle Switch underneath the material name.

  • Hide a material from customers by clicking the Toggle Switch again.

As a Service, you can still select un-published materials and post-processings while creating quotes or orders. While customers can order a quote that contains an un-published material, they cannot directly re-order an order that contains an un-published material or post-processing.