Three Levels of Connectivity
The following list gives insights into Machine Connectivity use cases based on their level of depth and the control mechanisms they enable. Not yet supported use cases are greyed out. Once this set of features and use cases have been solved, we will be moving towards fuller automation of AM workflow streams.
We extend the aggregator performance based on the following roadmap:
Level 1 - Production Tracking supported
Level 2 - Material Tracking and Quality monitoring In Progress
Level 3 - Full process automation (Data push to the machine) in progress
We currently work on implementation roadmaps for Material Tracking, Quality monitoring, and remote control. Important to add here is that the range of data is machine-dependent, so: not every machine gives us the same amount of data.
Furthermore, when we update our aggregator performance and include new use cases, we release new aggregator versions that are announced beforehand.
Level 1: Production tracking supported
Data transfer from machines to the Agile MES. Use cases to display basic information, such as machine and job events in the Agile MES that allow production tracking and analytics:
Machine ID/ serial number
Machine model
Machine custom name
Machine manufacturer
Machine stack light
Machine custom states
Machine events
Job ID
Job name
Job state
Job events
Job predicted end time
Level 2: Quality monitoring and material tracking In Progress
Data transfer from machines to the Agile MES. Advanced use cases that enable quality monitoring/tracking:
Machine maintenance prognosis
Sensor data
Material type
Material amount
Material consumption
KPI data (machine statistics)
Level 3: Remote control In Progress
Data transfer from Agile MES to machines. Use cases that allow remote control and data transfer from MES to machines:
Job remote control
Job file transfer