Calculating Exact Machine Utilisation Using Machinestate

Calculating Exact Machine Utilisation Using Machinestate

The table Machinestate contains detailed information on the actual state of the machine, e.g. running, interrupted , etc. - given that the machine manufacturer provides this information via their interface.

The states supported by 3YOURMIND are:

  • initializing

  • running

  • ended

  • interrupted

  • aborted

  • offline

Using this information, we can create a detailed Machine Utilization report. A simple example is provided in the next section.

Example - Machine Utilisation Graph

An example report on machine utilisation
The query behind the report

The report uses two custom columns. The formulas are as per below:

  • Custom column “Duration”

    • Formula: datetimeDiff([Start Time], [Finish Time], "second")

  • Custom column “Running vs Not running”

    • Formula: case([State Value] = "running", "Running", "Not running")