Preferred due date


Through the Preferred due date, customers can let the Service know by what date they would like to receive an ordered part.

Preferred due date as an input field for customers in the Basket

The Preferred due date is displayed in the Order detail view so that an order coordinator can use it to determine the urgency of each part, independent of when an order was placed.

Preferred due date shown on Order detail view (MES enabled)

The Preferred due date can further be used as a reference by production planners to prioritize urgent parts while scheduling jobs for printing. The date is therefore shown on the Parts view (column name “Due Date”).

The Preferred due date serves only as information for Services. It has no impact on any of the automatically calculated dates such as Target date or Est. finish date.

How to configure the Preferred due date

If you want to allow customers to provide a Preferred due date you can enable it in the Admin Panel. The field can be configured to be either an optional or mandatory input in the Basket.

The setting is found at

Home › B3_Organization › Organizations › <your organization> > General Settings & Features


If the Preferred Due Date is enabled and filled out by a customer, it is shown on

  • User Panel

    • Basket (as an input field in the Basket wizard for each part)

    • Order detail view (per line item)

  • Service Panel

    • Order detail view (per line item)

    • Parts view (as column “Due Date”)