


Properties are fields that can be added to Part Requirement Forms. Users can provide input to these fields when uploading parts in the Basket and filling out a Part Requirement Form.

Properties are defined in the admin panel at

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Types of Properties

The ERP offers the following types of properties to store information about parts


Property that can have exactly one value which is TRUE or FALSE.


Property that takes a date value as in input.


Property that can have exactly one value which is a full number, e.g. 0, 1, 2, -5, 324, -32434.


Property that can have exactly one value which is a floating-point number, e.g. 28, 0.3453, -4234.343213, 0, 3.14.eneral Settings & Features c


Property that can have exactly one value which is text input. Can be displayed in the UI as single line input or multi-line input.


Offers the user a selection of pre-defined choice values. The possible values are defined together with the property. The user can select only one value in the UI.


Offers the user a selection of pre-defined choice values. The possible values are defined together with the property. The user can select more than one value in the UI.


Each property has the following configuration options


The display name of the property in the UI. Can be multi-language.


Additional description for the property. Displayed under the help icon when a user hovers over it. Can be multi-language


The type of property. See list above


A variable name by which this property can be accessed programmatically. Not yet implemented.

Adding choices

For Choice and Multiple-Choice properties, we must also add individual choices that will be displayed to the user.

After saving a new choice property we can add individual choices. Each choice has the following configuration options


The display name of the choice in the UI. Can be multi-language.


Additional description of the choice. Currently not displayed in the UI.

Sort priority

Defines the relative order of items in the UI. E.g. an item with Sort priority = 100 is displayed before an item with sort priority = 110.


A variable name by which this Property can be accessed programmatically. Our recommended naming convention for slugs is camelCase with a lowercase first letter.

Name: This is a New Property
Slug: thisIsANewProperty

Programmatic access to Property values, e.g. within pricing formulas, is not yet implemented and will be added at a later stage.

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