Extracting information from 2D technical drawings
Since version 23.3 we support the extraction of vital part information from technical drawings, to support you with an easier and faster way to conduct economical and technical printability assessment of parts. The extraction of information from technical drawings hereby relies on third-party tools and needs to be activated by our support team.
The way to create parts from technical drawings is twofold, as they can be uploaded individually within the part creation form, as well as in bulk via the supported CSV Import functionality.
Technical drawing requirements
file type BMP, JP2, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, PDF
minimal resolution of 200dpi
maximum file size of 10MB
To add technical drawings as dedicated attachments to parts via the part creation form, simply include the new property 2D technical drawing at any location within the form. Please choose the CAD file / Tech Drawing upload as display type when adding this property to any form. For bulk-creation of parts from technical drawings please visit Creating parts from technical drawings via batch upload
The Scope of our technical drawing assessment is currently limited to the standard properties listed below. Further data points can be added to the analysis after assessment and short development cycle.
e.g. Suspension Bracket
e.g. SB20230102
Unique alphanumeric identifier of the technical drawing
Material Class, Type and Material
e.g. Metal - Stainless Steel - Stainless Steel 316L
Mapped to Standardized Material Class,Type and specific material in the database
Other Material
Original string representation of the material on the technical drawing
External Dimensions
LxWxH and unit (inch or mm)
Used On / Next higher Assembly
Safety class
e.g. CF2
Producing company
Technical drawing files will be processed in the background one by one after successfully creating or saving the part. After successful analysis the extracted information is automatically written to the respective part properties.
In case of failed analysis of the technical drawing file, an explanatory error message is displayed in the part details, as well as the part list column of technical drawings.