Creating parts from technical drawings via batch upload

Creating parts from technical drawings via batch upload

Bulk-upload of Technical Drawings

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 10.14.27.png

The Bulk-upload of technical drawings can be started from the part list as well as the Home page of AMPI panel. After triggering the upload modal, select the drawings intended to be analysed via the file picker or drag and drop. Afterwards select the part type for the uploaded parts and start the upload. Parts will be created in the background and fed with information once there is a response from the drawing analysis.


Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 10.13.20.png
Upload Modal with 5 uploaded technical Drawings


CSV Import

Starting with version 23.4 LTS we support the extraction of information from technical drawings in bulk - see Extracting information from 2D technical drawings for further details.


2D technical drawings can be added to the CSV Import file by simply adding their name + suffix in the column technicalDrawing. There are a minimum of 2 required columns for CSV import via technical drawings, we suggest to specify a dedicated shortID for these parts, in order to be able to reference them later on. Another option is to specify the intended branch (part type) for part creation. Creating parts via CSV import can succeed even if data required for creating parts via the forms is missing.




After importing the zipped archive of CSV file and technical drawings and validating the structure of the uploaded CSV, parts will be created with the information provided. After all parts have been created, the analysis of the technical drawings is kicked off. Drawings are being analysed one by one and adding the extracted information to their respective parts as soon as the analysis is finished successfully. Refreshing of the part page is required to see progress on the created parts in the part list directly.