Update the 3YD app to the next version

Update the application to the next version:

Create a new directory on the server:

  • mkdir -p 3yd-v-XX-X && cd 3yd-v-XX-X

Download the archive package from the link provided by the 3YD Technical Support team:

  • curl -o 3yd-v-XX-X.tgz “Download Link“

Extract the archive

  • tar xvf 3yd-v-XX-X.tgz

Copy the values.yaml file from the previous version directory to the new

  • cp /path-to-previous-version/values.yaml ./values.yaml

Apply the update

  • ./3yd.sh load_images && ./3yd.sh upgrade

Wait up to 15 minutes for all pods to fully start and check if the application is available by opening the site in your browser. Should you get any errors in your browser, please collect a support package by running ./3yd.sh debug . This will generate a 3yd and send it to 3YD support team by attaching it to a new ticket