First installation

First installation

  1. Create a directory on the server where the application will be unpacked:
    mkdir -p 3yd_vXXX && cd 3yd_vXXX

  2. Download the archive package from the link provided by the 3YD Technical Support team:
    curl -o 3yd_vXXX.tgz “Download Link“
    Note: The link should be surrounded in double quotes ““ as it contains symbols interpreted as special characters by the bash shell

  3. Unpack the installation package: tar -zxvf 3yd_vXXX.tgz

  4. Create a folder where the uploads will be stored called UPLOADS_DIR. (Must be an absolute path like /home/ubuntu/UPLOADS_DIR)
    mkdir -p $HOME/UPLOADS_DIR

  5. Obtain the domain name under which the application should be reachable (e.g app.example.com)
    Note: We recommend exporting the two variables above in your .bashrc
    vim ~/.bashrc or nano ~/.bashrc to open and edit the .bashrc file
    Append the code to the end of the file

    export DOMAIN=yourDomainName.xxx export UPLOADS_DIR=/home/ubuntu/UPLOADS_DIR

    Reload your ./bashrc with source ~/.bashrc

  6. Run the install script:

    sudo ./install.sh $DOMAIN $UPLOADS_DIR; exec bash -l

  7. You can now make changes to the configuration file values.yaml.
    See Configuration for more details.

  8. Apply the changed configuration:

    sudo ./upgrade.sh

  9. Check the status of the application:

    kubectl get pods

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