Connected business intelligence & reporting

Connected business intelligence & reporting

You are looking for ways to evaluate, analyze or report the history of your service or a multitude of services?

The 3YD solution offers multiple options to handle this. The right option for you depends on what exactly you are trying to archive.





Use Case






Use Case




Business Analytics

Very Low

Instant and live insights into important business KPIs

  • Works out of the Box

  • No configuration required

  • Always up to date

  • Easy to access and configure



Using the build in CSV export option to analyse the data via excel or similar software


Detailed order history for further analyses

  • Common data format to use with all kinds of software

  • Highly flexible

  • Only contains orders, requests and quotes. Does not contain users, MES-data, materials, settings etc.

  • Has to be configured in a third party software manually (MS Excel, Tableau, Power BI,…)

  • New or changed data has to be refreshed manually (by downloading CSV again)


Using the API (Application Programming Interface) to access CSV Data


Detailed order history for further analyses with automated download

  • Using CSV data as in #2, but downloading the CSV data via a single API endpoint

  • Keeps additional complexity to a minimum while always having up to date data without manual download

  • Same as #2, but trading some additional complexity for more automation


Using the API (Application Programming Interface) to connect to a custom system


Complex data gathering with programming interface

  • Allows you to access, change and delete many different data endpoints and their data like:

    • Orders, requests and quotes

    • Users, MES-data, materials and settings

  • Allows highly flexible data operations

  • High implementation effort

  • Requires knowledge about REST APIs and usually at leats one programming language

  • 3Yourmind can support, but the implementation is up to you as a customer. It must be implemented by an internal or external IT team


Using a direct Database Connection to either do custom database queries with SQL or via third party solutions like Tableau, Power BI, metabase etc.


Limitless business intelligence through direct database access

  • The most powerful way to access or even change data as all data is available to you

  • High implementation effort

  • Requires knowledge about SQL and our data model

  • Requires on-premise installation

  • 3Yourmind can support, but the implementation is up to you as a customer. It must be implemented by an internal or external IT team