
Part Screening, Business Case & Qualification

CSV Export of selected parts only

We improved the connection between the AMPI part list and our CSV export functionality, to respect part selection on the current page of the part list. This enables users to narrow down the part selection before exporting even further, compared to utilizing only the filtering and search functionality as previously supported.

CSV Export of only selected parts

Improved collaboration between Expert users via internal comments

Users with the AM Expert role can now communicate with each other on the part detail page via internal comments, offering a dedicated communication and collaboration channel for Expert users.

Conversation of Expert users in an internal thread

Internal comments are dedicated functionality for Expert users, they can be (de-)activated by toggling the lock icon in the comment section and are visualised by a darker background and the notion “Internal thread”. All replies to internal comments are automatically part of the internal thread.

Reworked data completeness

To increase performance and stability of the data completeness calculation, we reimplemented the data completeness as a standard score. Starting from this version, the part list column “Data Completeness” can be found in the scores section of the columns drawer.

Due to the change to a score, saved bookmarks and existing quickfilters using data completeness for filtering or sorting need to be reconfigured to use the new data completeness column.

Digital Inventory Management

Improved UX for Order Creation in User Panel and Service Panel

Users will be redirected to the final page and shown a green confirmation toaster after successful order creation in User Panel, and successful quote/order creation in Service Panel. This removes the need for clicking through a confirmation modal, improving the overall user experience.

Configurable E-Mail Templates for Rejecting Requests, Quotes, and Orders

Services can now add custom e-mail templates for rejecting requests, quotes, and orders. The templates can be added and edited in the admin panel. If you don’t have access to the admin panel, contact our Customer Support.

A standard template is already provided in English. Services can adjust the template and/or add translations for other supported languages if desired.

See also

Searchable Customer Column Shows Contact Information at One Glance

The new Customer column that is available on Request, Quote, and Order table now conveniently displays all relevant customer information on mouse over: Name, Email, Phone, Company, Department, Location.

The new column is especially helpful on the Request and Quote table when customers have not yet provided their billing information.

Quality Management & Machine Connection

Introduction of Production Sheet Types

This release adds a new field "Type" to Production Sheet objects in the Admin Panel, with options for Part, Job, and Sequence. This will allow for more customized generation of Production Sheets in various locations throughout the service panel, with automatic fallback to default templates if no template is set up for a given type and a selection screen for multiple templates.

Other improvements

Improved performance of the Requests, Quotes, and Orders tables

We have made changes to our API that resulted in significantly improved performance for loading Sales Transactions tables. According to recent findings, the load times of orders in the Service Panel have shown notable enhancements.

Key findings include:

  • The average loading times, representing the 50% fastest cases, have improved by approximately 2.5 times. (From 2.58 seconds to 1.01 seconds)

  • The edge cases, representing the 5% slowest loading times, have experienced remarkable improvements, now loading approximately 7.2 times faster. (From 22.04 seconds to 3.07 seconds)

These improvements are expected to apply to other sales transactions (quotes, requests) as well as the User Panel

As a result, the following 2 GET endpoints of our API have been changed:

  • GET api/v2.0/service-panel/services/<service_id>/orders/

  • GET api/v2.0/user-panel/orders/

For all details see

Update to the user verification process in Organizations

Previously, when an Organization admin verified a user, all other admins would receive an email confirmation. We have now updated this process and removed the email notification. This change will result in a cleaner inbox for Organization admins

Enhanced 3D Model Upload Confirmation Message

We improved the confirmation message for 3D model uploads by making the mandatory checkbox clearer and removing the requirement for user action to dismiss the modal window. This provides greater clarity and ease of use for uploading parts. The confirmation message can be customized through the admin panel.

For more information see https://3yourmind.atlassian.net/l/cp/aGC0MaN8

Improved API with AM-FLOW for better performance in bulk operations

We made improvements to our API that makes bulk update operations through AM-FLOW more efficient and faster.

Bug fixes

  • [ERP] The weight calculation formula contained a default 10% weight increase for packaging. As this was transparent and imprecise, we removed the increase and now calculate an accurate weight without packaging.

  • [ERP] With the removal of the “Cancelled” order status in 23.5 it was not possible to distinguish canceled orders in the order CSV export anymore. We have now added the dedicated column “Rejected” that allows for the identification of rejected orders and quotes.

  • [ERP] Resolved an issue where the post-processing price displayed in the quote was incorrect when the main currency of the fulfillment partner was set to non-EUR (e.g., GBP), ensuring now that the post-processing price remains consistent from configuration to quote creation.

  • [ERP] Fixed an issue where repeatedly creating a new order in the Service Panel opened the previously created order instead of an empty new order form; the system now correctly opens an empty new order form as expected.

  • [ERP] Addressed an issue specific to platforms with multiple services configured, where the material price displayed during selection differed from the price shown after selection; the system now accurately displays the same price in both stages for all services, ensuring consistency and accuracy in pricing information.

  • [ERP] Fixed an issue where the 'Rejected' status was not correctly displayed on the project detail page for projects with at least one rejected sales transaction; the system now accurately shows the 'Rejected' status with a red dot as expected.

  • [ERP/MES] Implemented a fix to ensure the 'Rejected' status is accurately displayed across four key areas: the Projects list, Project detail view, Part detail view (linked order), and Job detail view (when the job contains a part linked to a rejected order); the system now consistently shows the 'Rejected' status with a red dot or tag, improving visibility and understanding of transaction statuses.

  • [Admin Panel] Addressed a backend issue causing a '500, unavailable' error when performing a search in the Admin Panel under Home › B3_Organization › User profiles

Administration Actions

Production sheets

In 23.6.0, the type field for production sheets has been introduced. This field is automatically populated via a data migration, nevertheless, some inconsistencies may occur.

It’s recommended, to go over existing production sheets in the platform and confirm that the correct type is assigned.

New Column “Rejected” in Order and Quote CSV Export Format

Order and Quote CSV export files now contain an additional column “Rejected” that can have the values TRUE or FALSE. In case you are automatically processing order and/or quote CSV files in another system you should check that the updated format is processed correctly.

The capability to reject Requests, Quotes, and Orders was first introduced with version 23.5.

See also

Appendix A - Orders endpoint changes

If you need them unchanged for your API integration, you can use the legacy endpoints, which will return all the old fields:

  • GET api/v2.0/service-panel/services/<service_id>/orders/legacy/

  • GET api/v2.0/user-panel/orders/legacy/

The following 2 GET endpoints of our API have been changed:

  • GET api/v2.0/service-panel/services/<service_id>/orders/

  • GET api/v2.0/user-panel/orders/

The customer field is not removed, it will stay in the response.

Here is the list of the changes:

The following fields are removed

  • currency

  • feesPrice

  • isCreatedBySharedUser

  • minPrice

  • minPriceDiff

  • taxRate

  • payment.paymentAttachments

  • status.defaultNextStatus

The following fields are changed

  • partner - only keep the fields name and id of partner, remove all other fields

  • shippingMethod - only keep the fields name and id of shippingMethod, remove all other fields

The following fields remain unchanged:

  • customer

  • billingAddress

  • createdAt

  • createdBy

  • deliveryDaysMax

  • deliveryDaysMin

  • deliveryInstructions

  • fullNumber

  • id

  • products

  • number

  • numberOfComments 0,

  • numberOfLines 1,

  • payment

  • partner

  • pickupLocation

  • projectId

  • referenceNumber

  • salesTransactionType

  • sequenceNumber

  • subtotalPrice

  • technologies

  • title

  • shippingAddress

  • shippingMethod

  • status

  • totalPrice

  • totalItemsQuantity