22.5 - 2022-06-09

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Business Analytics (BETA)

With our Business Analytics dashboards you gain valuable insights into your operations running on 3YOURMIND. As part of the free Professional Package, we have included four dashboards:

  • Part Lifecycle Management

  • Order Management

  • Production Management

  • User Management

Those dashboards are available to users who have access to the Organization Panel and to customers in general who are on a dedicated cloud instance. They will eventually replace the “old” Analytics page.

Subsequently, we will also release more advanced Premium dashboards. Those dashboards will require purchasing an Analytics Premium or Enterprise package. Please, reach out to your Sales rep to learn more.

Embedded Order Management Dashboard

See also our documentation: https://3yourmind.atlassian.net/l/c/6e1x909a

As this is still a beta release, the Business Analytics functionality needs to be enabled in the admin panel. Please, reach out to our Customer Success team to get started.


Change status of multiple parts at once to save huge amount of time

Experts can now change status or delete several parts at once from the part list. This will save a big amount of time as it is not anymore needed to change status part per part.


Allow part ordering for specific status to increase transparency

Users that want to order a part will only be able to do it for specific status. For example, an approved part can be ordered while a rejected won’t. To avoid confusion, the button “Add to basket” is not shown when you are not allowed to order the part.

Filter per data completeness to focus on the best AM candidates

Users can now filter per data completeness in the Part List. That will enable users to quickly focus on the best candidates with high data completeness and high tech-econ score.



Switching units in the basket solves the problem of files uploaded with the wrong unit

Users that need to handle files in both mm and inch know the problem of uploading them with the wrong unit selected. Looking at the shown prices you notice that something is wrong. Now you can simply change the unit in the basket and don’t have to re-upload your file.


Material inventory improvements

The material inventory beta functionality was developed further to allow assigning of material lots to jobs, as well as triggering the creation of material lots from the job detail page directly. Stock levels for all materials are now logged on a daily basis to create a history of material stock levels.


Job production sheet title page

We added a title page to the production sheets downloaded from a jobs detail page. The title page lists all parts that are scheduled in the respective job as well as basic information about the job itself, such as its scheduled times and duration as well as the assigned material lot ID.

Bug fixes


  • Filter for attachments is now possible


  • The date range filter on the Project overview page now works correctly. It now considers the date created of the latest sales transaction.

  • While creating quotes in the Service Panel the validation regarding missing shipping or billing information was not working correctly. It works as intended now.

  • Accidentally, the CSV file download option was shown for single orders. We have removed it again.


  • A bug was fixed that caused the optimized mobile view for part updates to break when holding the phone or tablet in landscape mode.

  • A bug was fixed that kept a part's dimensions from updating automatically after exchanging its file version.


  • When accessing the /version endpoint, e.g. https://demo.3yourmind.com/version, a version file was downloaded instead of simply displaying the version in the browser. We now show the version again in the browser.