Create a Quote based on a RequestForQuote while choosing a custom price for the Quote-Lines

Create a Quote based on a RequestForQuote while choosing a custom price for the Quote-Lines

Use the Create a Quote based on a RequestForQuote endpoint. Make sure to use the correct service_id in the URL and requestForQuoteId in the request body.

Provide an array of lines in the request body and specify a custom unitPrice for each line, as in the example below.

import requests data = { "requestForQuoteId": 1, "lines": [{"id": 1, "unitPrice": "12.34"}, {"id": 2, "unitPrice": "5.22"}], } url = "https://my-platform.com/api/v2.0/service-panel/services/1/quotes/" requests.post( url, json=data, headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"}, )

Python Example