Part Screening, Business Case & Qualification
<Feature title>
<Feature description, video and/or screenshot(s), include link to documentation if possible>
Digital Inventory Management
Search by Filename
When searching for projects or sales transactions (requests, quotes, orders), MES parts, or MES jobs, you can now use filenames of uploaded 3D files as search criteria. This enables you to quickly locate and identify projects and orders, as well as specific parts or jobs, involving repeat files. It facilitates a swift review of previous projects helping to prevent duplicative work and further streamline operations.
Quality Management & Machine Connection
<Feature title>
<Feature description, video and/or screenshot(s), include link to documentation if possible>
Other improvements
<Feature title>
<Feature description, video and/or screenshot(s), include link to documentation if possible>
Password Visibility Toggle
In our new Login system, we've added a password visibility toggle to enhance user experience during authentication. This new functionality, indicated by an eye icon next to the password field, allows users to reveal or conceal their password, thereby minimizing entry errors and enhancing security. With this update, users no longer need to enter their password twice, streamlining the process of setting or changing passwords. This feature is available after switching to our new Login system on the Login, Sign Up, and Change Password pages.
Bug fixes
[PLM] <Short and concise description>
[ERP] <Short and concise description>
[MES] <Short and concise description>
Administration Actions
<List any actions to be performed by a system administrator along with this release>