Ordering from the Catalog

The Catalog serves as a platform for customers to curate a collection of 3D printable parts, enabling straightforward ordering through predefined configurations such as material, post-processing method, part requirements, and printing service.


What is Defined in the Catalog?

Each item in the Catalog is cataloged with the following parameters:

  • 3D file

  • AM Material

  • Post-processing Methods (optional)

  • Printing Service

  • Part Requirements (optional)

  • Attachments (optional)

For the full list plus explanations see .

This feature is invaluable for companies frequently ordering identical sets of new or spare parts with consistent configurations (reordering from stock). Additionally, it is ideal for businesses aiming to facilitate 3D printing access to employees unfamiliar with the technology. The parts are pre-qualified and configured with material and post-processing, eliminating the need for additional 3D printing-specific knowledge.

Accessing and Navigating the Catalog

Any user with access to the User Panel can access the Catalog.

When you are in the User Panel, select Catalog in the left-hand navigation panel. Users with UP Viewer permission only land on the Catalog directly after login.

Accessing the Catalog

  1. Open the User Panel.

  2. Select 'Catalog' in the left-hand navigation panel.

Users with 'UP Viewer' permission will land directly on the Catalog after login.

Catalog Views

Once you are in the Catalog, parts will be displayed either in a 'List view' or 'Tile view'. You can switch between both views seamlessly, and the application will remember your preferred view for future visits.

Using the Search Function

  • The 'Search' function allows you to search for matching text in various categories, including:

    • Title

    • Description

    • Part #

    • Part reference

    • Material

    • Post-processings

    • Labels

    • Part requirements

Applying Filters

  • You can apply the following filters to narrow down your search:

    • Service

    • Material

    • Customer group (only shown to Catalog admin)

    • Labels

The pre-populated list of labels only contains labels of Catalog parts that the current user is entitled to see as per the Customer Group configuration. The system does not show any labels of parts the user does not have the right to see.

Editing Columns

  • Use the 'Edit Columns' function to show or hide columns in the 'List view' as per your preference.

Viewing Part Details

  • Click on a part to display its details in a side drawer.

  • From here you can also order the part if you have the permission

Adjusting the Number of Parts Displayed

  • By default, 10 parts are displayed per page. However, you can adjust this in steps of 5, up to a maximum of 25 parts per page. A pagination component allows you to flip through pages if there are more parts than can be displayed on one page.

Ordering a Part From the Catalog

To order a part follow these steps.

  1. To locate the right part, use a combination of Search and Filters or browse the list by going through the pages.

  2. Select the desired part to open the right-hand drawer with more part details.

  3. Use the button Add to Basket to transfer the part to the Basket where you can choose the quantity and follow the process for or .

A Catalog part is deemed unavailable, indicated by "Item Unavailable" instead of "Add to Basket," if any of the following conditions apply:

  • No material is assigned to the Catalog part.

  • The assigned material has been deleted.

  • The assigned material is no longer published by the Service.

  • The associated service is no longer available.

Adding New Parts to the Catalog

Only Catalog Administrators hold the authority to modify the Catalog, encompassing part creation, updates, information addition, or deletion. However, the Catalog comprises also existing orders. Thus, providing an order number to a Catalog Administrator enables them to include it.

Full List of Properties of Catalog Parts

This section provides a comprehensive list of all the properties that are stored for each part in the Catalog, along with short descriptions of each.





3d file (Thumbnail)

Each part is stored with its 3d file. The 3d file is visualized by an auto-generated thumbmnail.


The name assigned to the part for easy identification within the Catalog.


A textual explanation of the part, detailing its features, use cases, or any other relevant information.

Part #

An automatically generated unique identifier of the part.


Specifies the type of material used for 3D printing the part, such as PLA, ABS, or metal alloys.


Details any additional steps or processes applied to the part after it is printed, like painting, polishing, or coating.

Unit price

The cost for one unit of the part based on the pricing formula of the connected Service that manufactures the part. The currency shown depends on the currently logged in user’s profile currency.

For performance reasons, prices in the Catalog are only calculated and cached at interval times. In case a Service changes a price formula, it may take a few hours to be reflected on the Catalog side. When ordering a part, it will however show a live price in the basket.

In case the part is unavailable for ordering, then “-” is shown as Unit price.

Part reference

An additional code or identifier that may correlate with external databases or inventory systems.


Tags or keywords associated with the part to facilitate searching or categorizing within the Catalog.


The 3D printing service responsible for manufacturing the part, often including details like speed, quality, or technology used.


Any supplementary files or documentation attached to the part, such as PDFs, manuals, or certificates of quality.

Part Requirements

Optional guidelines or constraints related to the part, such as load-bearing capacity, environmental resistance, or compliance standards.

This full list of properties ensures that each part in the Catalog is thoroughly documented, making the ordering process smooth and transparent.

See also https://3yourmind.atlassian.net/l/cp/0A1Nntqt