How to obtain mapping IDs

How to obtain mapping IDs

To integrate with the 3YOURMIND REST API, various IDs are needed to map the right information together.


This page gives an overview how to obtain the information


Obtain an API Token

This step can be done by anyone with access to the 3YOURMIND Admin Panel

  1. Go to the 3YOURMIND admin panel.

  2. Go to Users under Authentication and Authorization.

  3. Search for the user you want to generate the token for.

  4. Click on Create Token.

The token is only displayed once in the pop-up and not accessible later on.

Make sure to copy the token right away.

Note that this is sensitive information.

Obtain the Service ID

Option 1:

  1. Visit the dashboard of the service panel

  2. The number in the URL represents the service id. E.g. https://[your-domain]/service-panel/1/dashboard/ (service id would be "1")

Option 2:

  1. Visit https://[your-domain]/api/v2.0/service-panel/services/.

  2. Note the id of the service.

Obtain the IDs of Materials and Post Processings

This step can be done by anyone with access to the 3YOURMIND Service Panel


  1. Obtain the Service ID like described above

  2. Visit this URL: https://[your-domain]/api/v2.0/service-panel/services/[service-id]/offers/
    (You need to replace [your-domain] and [service-id])
    You will see a big JSON response in a format like this:

    [ { "id": 1, "materialName": "PA12", ... "postProcessings": [ { "id": 1, ... "title": "Coloring", } ] ... } ]

You will need to use values in the fields id, materialName (for materials) and title (for post-processings) to create a mapping of the IDs that you can create. Note that different materials have each their own nested set of post-processings.


Obtain the IDs of Forms, Form Properties and Form Choices

  1. Visit this URL: https://[your-domain]/api/v2.0/forms2/
    You will see a big JSON response in a format like this:

    [ { "id": 1, "title": "Part Requirements Form", "fields": [ { "id": 11, "label": "Additional Information", "type": "STRING", ... }, { "id": 22, "label": "Industry", "type": "CHOICE", "choiceOptions": [ { "id": 444, "label": "Transportation" }, ... }, ... } ]

2. You will need to use values in the fields id, title (for forms) and label (for form options) to create a mapping of the IDs that you can create.

If the type is CHOICE or MULTIPLE_CHOICE, the json contains also a bunch of choiceOptions with own ids.



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