

Forms are used for a Questionnaire type input of part details and requirements. A part’s corresponding form is loaded when editing parts.

Structure of forms

You can think of Forms as a collection of part properties and their arrangement. There are several elements with which you can organize a form. This screenshot illustrates them.

The hierarchy of elements is such


The main component. A form is a collection of form steps. During the configuration of branches, you need to select a form.

Form step

Collection of form step groups. Only for UI structure – no functional impact. If there is only one form step, then the sidebar navigation of form steps is not shown.

Form step group

Grouping of properties. Only for UI structure – no functional impact.


The configuration of a form determines how elements are displayed during data input, e.g. for creating or editing parts.

Input of data


The structure of a form determines also the arrangement of properties in the part detail view.

The part information entered in the form can be found summarized on the Original Information tab.

Defining forms

Forms are defined in the admin panel at

Home › B3_Ampi › Forms

The following fields are available for configuration


The name of the form. You can reference a form while configuring branches using this name. The form name is currently not shown in the UI anywhere.


Additional description. Currently not shown in the UI anywhere.


Unique identifier of that form for potential use in blackboxes or scores. Currently not used.

Form Steps

Each form needs to have at least one Form Step. You can add them directly during the Form configuration. A Form Step’s Name is displayed both during data input and on the part detail view, its Description is only displayed during data input but not on the part detail view. Through Sort priority you can order Form Steps relative to each other.

To configure the content of a Form Step the easiest is to navigate down via Change

The configuration of Form Steps is basically equivalent to the configuration on the Form level. Form Steps have two additional fields:

Is collapsible

If this field is checked, this section will initially be collapsed during data input.

Collapsible text

The text in the UI next to the collapse toggle.

Within Form Step Groups we can add any number of properties. Properties are only linked and must be created in the Properties section of the admin panel. See .

The following fields are available for the configuration of properties within Form Step Groups


Select a property from the list of defined properties. For creating new properties, see .

Sort priority

Defines the relative order of items in the UI. E.g. an item with Sort priority = 100 is displayed before an item with sort priority = 110.


Decide how the property should be displayed during data input. Only choices corresponding to the respective property type are valid.


Makes user input for this property mandatory. Users cannot complete or save a form if the input is missing.


Shows an example input to users in the case of Integer, Float, or String properties.

Option max selectable

Limits the maximum number of choices users can select in the case of multiple-choice properties.

The easiest way to navigate through forms in the admin panel is to start from the top and go down vertically using the Change links of each item. To go back up use your browser Back button (several times).

Removing items from a form

To remove an element from a form, select the Delete checkbox next to the item you want to remove and confirm the deletion through saving, e.g. Save and continue editing.

Alternatively, navigate to the respective item and use the Delete button.

Removing properties from a form does not delete the values of that property from a part. If a part has property values that are not part of the current form, those values will be displayed under section Other on the part detail view.