<General description of the release>
Table of Contents
Part Screening, Business Case & Qualification
Easier Bulk-Analysis of Technical Drawings
We improved the bulk-assessment of multiple drawings by removing the need to create a CSV for importing. Parts can now easily be created and assessed by simply selecting all the drawings to assess. The new bulk-analysis can be triggered from the Home page as well as the part list and works equally for bulk and single file uploads.
[Insert Screenshot or Video]
Parts will initially be created with the name from the drawing file itself, until the analysis is finished and the part is updated with further data extracted from the drawing.
Automatic report-fetching
We improved our reporting functionality with additional functionality. Reports will now automatically be fetched once all necessary scoring results are available. This eliminates the need to refresh a part detail page to load the reports after part creation.
Further, we implemented a loading animation, informing the user that the reports are not yet finished generating.
Workflow status type mandatory
With this release, the status type on workflow statuses is change to mandatory. Any status, regardless if used in the workflow or not, has to have a type assigned. Automatic migrations were applied with the update in order to not leave any statuses without a type.
To read up on the status types, the required order and their effects, see Defining Statuses and Workflows.
Digital Inventory Management
<Feature title>
<Feature description, include link to documentation if possible>
Quality Management & Machine Connection
<Feature title>
<Feature description, include link to documentation if possible>
Click-behaviour for Analytics Dashboards
The implemented default click-behaviour on our PLM analytics dashboards. Starting with this version update, the Savings and Econ & Tech Charts are configured to redirect the user to the respective part detail page referencing the clicked dot.
Other improvements
Printer Database
Property Updates
We updated our Weight property and introduced [kg] as unit of measurement. The weight property supports three decimals, allowing the part weight to be specified down to a single gram. The Weight property will be stored and visualised in kilograms across the platform.
Bug fixes
[PLM] <Short and concise description>
[ERP] <Short and concise description>
[MES] <Short and concise description>
Administration Actions