We extended our material database with additional material property fields (e.g. transparency, electrical behavior) to specify the characteristics of a material in more detail and offer a more advanced material comparison
Technical improvements
<description of improvements>Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) is now an available currency on the platform.
See https://3yourmind.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/178257924/Supporting+Multiple+Currencies#List-of-Currently-Supported-Currencies
Technical improvements
Our webhooks now support an Authorization header
For more information see https://3yourmind.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/1654784001/Integrations#AuthorizationWe have added additional values to the Order/Quote/Request and OrderStatus webhooks:
Unit print price (per line item)
Price per post-processing (per line item)
Total print price (per line item)
Total post-processing price (per line item)
Price per fee
Bug fixes
<Short and concise description>