<General description of the release>
Jump quickly to different sections
Hide Economics and technical tabs from part detail
We added an admin panel setting to control the visibility of the different tabs on part detail. Admins can hide the economics and/or technology tab to control the content visualized on part detail to their needs. The admin panel setting can be found under Organizations > General Settings & Features.
TBD - Lock Catalog Parts In Basket
<Feature description, include link to documentation if possible>
TBD - New Basket not Beta anymore
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TBD - Flag scrapped parts on Parts list AND mark delayed workflow steps
<Feature d
TBD - getReport from Markforged
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Machine Connectivity
TBD - [BE] getReport from Markforged
<Feature description, include link to documentation if possible>
General improvements
We extended our material database with additional material property fields (e.g. transparency, electrical behavior) to specify the characteristics of a material in more detail and offer a more advanced material comparison
Technical improvements
<description of improvements>
Bug fixes
<Short and concise description>
When downloading 3d files from the part detail view, then the file name now follows correctly the file naming convention specified in the admin panel.
When sharing a project with another user, the e-mail field was not cleared after sharing. This is now fixed.
Sometimes the dropdown for selecting a workflow on the part detail view showed no data. This has been fixed.