Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
{% load i18n static pdf_tags %}
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
<!doctype html>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>{{ preview_title }}</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/order_notes/base.css' %}">
    {% if css_additional %}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static css_additional %}">
    {% endif %}
    {% include "b3_pdf/extra_header.html" %}
    <table class="header">
            <td class="header__logo">
                <img src="{{ logo_url }}" alt="Default Logo">
    <div class="header__address">
        {{ }} | {{ sender_address_line }}
    <table class="address">
            <td class="address__to">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Billing Address' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">
                    {{ billing_address.salutation }}
                    {% if billing_address.company_name %}
                        <br/> {{ billing_address.company_name }}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% if billing_address.line1 %}
                        <br/> {{ billing_address.line1 }}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% if billing_address.line2 %}
                        <br/> {{ billing_address.line2 }}
                    {% endif %}
                    <br/> {{ }}{% if billing_address.state %}, {{ billing_address.state }}{% endif %}, {{ billing_address.zip_code }}
                    <br/> {{ }}
            <td class="address__from">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Customer Support' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">
                    {{ service_address.phone_number }}
                    {% if %}
                        <br> {% trans 'Email:' %} {{ }}
                    {% endif %}
                    <br> {% trans 'Processed by:' %} {{ service_user_name }}
                    <br> {{ note_data.issue_date|date:theme_date_format }}
    <h1 class="page-title">
        {{ note_name }}: {{ note_prefix }}{{ note_id }}
    <table class="info">
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Order #' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ order_obj.full_number }}</div>
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Order Date' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ order_date|date:theme_date_format }}</div>
            {% if is_customer_number_shown %}
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{{ customer_number_label }}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ customer_number|default:"-" }}</div>
            {% endif %}
            {% if is_customer_reference_shown %}
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{{ customer_reference_label }}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ customer_reference|default:"-" }}</div>
            {% endif %}
    <table class="info info--grey">
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Order Confirmation #' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ confirmation_note.order_confirmation_number }}</div>
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Payment method' %}</div>
                {% if payment_custom_fields %}
                  <div class="element__value">{{ payment_custom_fields }}</div>
                {% else %}
                <div class="element__value">{% trans order_obj.payment_method_name %}</div>
                {% endif %}

                {% comment %}
                    To access individual payment metadata items:
                    {% if payment_metadata %}
                      {% for key, value in payment_metadata.items %}
                       {{ key }}: {{ value }}<br>
                      {% endfor %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endcomment %}
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Delivery date' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ note_data.shipping_date|date:theme_date_format }}</div>
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Shipping Type' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">
                    {{ order_obj.shipping_method }}
    {% if backdrop_text %}
        <div class="overlay-wrapper">
            <div class="overlay-text">
                {% trans backdrop_text %}
    {% endif %}
    <section id="customer-greeting">
        <h4>{% blocktrans %}Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your order.{% endblocktrans %}</h4>
            {% blocktrans %}
                We hope you were satisfied with the handling of your order so far. If you have any questions or need
                further information, we are of course happy to help.
            {% endblocktrans %}
    <section id="order-lines">
        <table class="kt-table">
                <th class="line-number">#</th>
                <th class="line-image"></th>
                <th class="line-part">{% trans 'Part' %}</th>
                <th class="line-quantity text-right">{% trans 'Qty.' %}</th>
                <th class="line-price-unit text-right">{% trans 'Unit Price' %}</th>
                <th class="line-price-discount text-right">{% trans 'Discount' %}</th>
                <th class="line-price-total text-right">{% trans 'Item Total' %}</th>
            {% for line in order_lines %}
                    <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
                    <td class="line-thumbnail">
                            src="{{ line.thumbnail }}"
                            alt="{{ line.fullName }}"
                        <b>{{ line.fullName }}</b>
                        <br> {{ }}
                        <br> {{ line.offer.material }} | {{ line.prices.printPrice|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                        {% if line.offer.postProcessings %}
                            {% for option in line.offer.postProcessings %}
                                <br/>{{ }}
                                {% if option.colorTitle %} | color: {{ option.colorTitle }}{% endif %}
                                {% if option.price %} | {{ option.price|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}{% endif %}
                            {% endfor %}
                        {% endif %}
                        {{ line.dimensions.w|floatformat:2 }} *
                        {{ line.dimensions.h|floatformat:2 }} *
                        {{ line.dimensions.d|floatformat:2 }} ({{ line.measureUnit }})|
                        {{ line.weight|floatformat:line.weightDecimals }} {{ line.weightUnit }}
                    <td class="text-right quantity">{{ line.quantity }} / {{ line.quantity }}</td>
                    <td class="text-right unit-price">
                        {{ line.prices.unitPrice|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                    <td class="text-right discount">
                        {% if %}
                            {{|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                        {% else %}
                        {% endif %}
                    <td class="text-right line-price">
                        {{ line.prices.linePrice|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                {% if line.part_requirements.fields.all %}
                        <td colspan="2"></td>
                            {% for field in line.part_requirements.fields.all %}
                                {% if field.show_on_pdf %}
                                    <span class="part_requirements_field">
                                        <span class="label">{{ }}:</span>
                                        {{ field.get_value_as_str_pretty_printed }}
                                {% endif %}
                            {% endfor %}
                        <td colspan="4"></td>
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
                <td colspan="4"></td>
                <td colspan="3">
                    <table id="order-totals-summary" class="totals-summary">
                            <td class="totals sub-total" width="50%">
                                {% trans 'Subtotal' %}:
                            <td class="totals sub-total" width="50%">
                                {{ subtotal|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                            <td >
                                {% trans 'Including' %}:
                            <td >
                                *   {% trans 'Post-Processings' %}:
                                {{ post_processings_price|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                            <td >
                                *   {% trans 'Printing' %}:
                                {{ printing_price|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% if fee %}
                            <tr class="extra-fee">
                                <td>{% trans 'Extra Fee' %}:</td>
                                    {{ fee|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                            {% for fee_obj in fees %}
                                    <td>* {{fee_obj.fee}}</td>
                            {% endfor %}
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if difference_to_minimum > 0 %}
                            <tr class="difference-to-minimum">
                                <td>{% trans 'Difference to minimum price' %}:</td>
                                    {{ difference_to_minimum|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if voucher_discount > 0 %}
                            <tr class="voucher-discount">
                                <td>{% trans 'Voucher' %}:</td>
                                    {{ voucher_discount|negative|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if shipping_price > 0 %}
                            <tr class="shipping-price">
                                <td>{% trans 'Shipping' %}:</td>
                                    {{ shipping_price|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% endif %}
                        <tr class="total-without-tax">
                            <td>{% trans 'Net total' %}:</td>
                                {{ total_prices.excl_tax|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        <tr class="tax">
                            <td>{{ tax_rate|floatformat:2 }}% {% trans 'VAT' %}:</td>
                                {{ tax|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        <tr class="totals grand-total">
                            <td>{% trans 'Gross Total' %}:</td>
                            <td>{{ total_prices.incl_tax|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}</td>
    {% if note_data.comment %}
        <section id="comment">
            <h3>{% trans 'Comment' %}</h3>
            <p class="comment">{{ note_data.comment|linebreaksbr }}</p>
    {% endif %}
    {% if general_sales_conditions %}
        <section id="general-sales-conditions">
            <h3>{% trans 'General Sales Conditions' %}</h3>
                {{ general_sales_conditions|linebreaks }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if general_shipping_conditions %}
        <section id="shipping-conditions">
            <h3>{% trans 'General Shipping Conditions' %}</h3>
                {{ general_shipping_conditions|linebreaks }}
    {% endif %}
<footer class="footer">
    <p>{{ page_footer }}</p>

Available Variables

For a documentation on the variables that can be used inside order notes, see