Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • [PLM] CSV template in AMPI now includes all required fields.

  • [PLM] Fixed the broken attachments filter.

  • [PLM] Resolved the issue where submitting/creating a new part was not possible due to part edit validation failure.

  • [ERP] Bulk price calculation now functions correctly for multiple lines.

  • [ERP] Deleting the last part now also deletes the corresponding item from the basket.

Continuous Delivery Fixes

The improvements and bugfixes listed below are already deployed to cloud platforms. However, they have not yet been released within a hotfix package for on-prem customers

Bug fixes

Hotfix 23.4.4

Bug fixes

  • [ERP] Fixed an issue in the Service Panel where the 'Publish part' button was present in Quotes and Requests but was non-functional. The system has been updated to remove the 'Publish part' link from Requests and Quotes, aligning with the expected behavior.

  • [Analytics] Dashboard filter now displays actual customer services instead of sample data services.

Hotfix 23.4.5

Other improvements

  • Implemented a feature to enhance our SMTP email configuration. Users can now add a certificate file (certfile) and a key file (keyfile) to securely connect to their email server, ensuring encrypted and authenticated email communications for our customers."

Bug fixes

  • [PLM] Resolved an issue where users encountered a 'Could not fetch part' error when attempting to edit certain parts. Now, upon selecting a part for editing, the part form correctly opens, allowing users to modify the part details without any disruptions.

  • [PLM] Fixed an issue where the icon representing a user's company or department was not displayed on the AMPI part detail page, even after specifying the company and/or department for the user. Now, upon hovering over the author's avatar, the tooltip correctly displays the company and/or department information along with the appropriate icon.

  • [ERP] Resolved an issue where the production_sheet template failed to detect and display updated part.project_name values. Now, after updating the project name in the order, exporting a new PDF sheet will correctly reflect the changed project name as expected.

  • [ERP] Addressed an inconsistency issue where the order of Post Processing (PP) methods in the quote summary differed from the order displayed in the part details. Now, the order of PP methods in the quote summary matches the sequence presented in the part details, ensuring consistency and clarity for users.

Hotfix 23.4.6

Bug fixes

  • [ERP] Resolved an issue where, despite having the 'Checkout information' enabled, the corresponding text was not displayed during the payment step. The system now correctly shows the checkout information as expected at the payment stage.

Hotfix 23.4.7

Bug fixes

  • [PLM] Addressed an issue where the part dimensions in the part list were not adapting based on the user's preferred unit of measurement. Now, when a user updates their preferred units from [mm] to [inch] in their profile settings, both the unit representation and the actual values are correctly converted and displayed in both the part detail and part list sections.

  • [ERP] Fixed an issue where users were unable to add a part to the catalog directly from the basket without refreshing the page. After saving part specifications, the 'Add to catalog' button is now immediately clickable, eliminating the need for a page refresh.

  • Fixed an issue in the Admin Panel under Home › B3_Organization › User profiles where conducting a search resulted in a '500, unavailable' error. Users can now search within the User profiles without encountering any errors.

(For LTS customers) Earlier Release Notes
