Versions Compared


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<General description of the release>

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Part Screening, Business Case & Qualification

Limiting CSV Import functionality to Expert users

To further streamline the different personas and tailor the available functionality to their needs, we limited the accessibility of our CSV import functionality to Expert users. Normal users can still access the export functionality to export the parts they have permissions to access.

Updated Rules to Display Properties

The part submittal form configuration has now been further streamlined and simplified, reducing the possibilities to save an invalid configuration. Starting with version 24.1, there is no need anymore to choose how to display the standard properties in the AM Part Identification since they all have a defined display type. Moreover, you only need to choose once the display type for custom properties at the property level, and this is automatically applied every time the property is included in a form.

Note: the simplified version of the size property (displayed as a slider) is now available only for a custom configured size property.

Digital Inventory Management

Internal Attachment Feature for Enhanced Service Team Collaboration

We've introduced a significant update for service users handling quotes and orders - the ability to upload internal attachments to Sales Transactions (STs). These attachments are exclusively visible to service colleagues, ensuring sensitive or internal documents remain confidential.

This new feature is particularly beneficial for storing custom quotation sheets or other project-specific documents directly within the relevant Sales Transaction. It streamlines the process of maintaining comprehensive documentation, keeping all necessary files at your fingertips where they are most needed.


This feature fulfills a crucial need for service teams to securely manage internal documentation, enhancing efficiency and privacy in handling orders and quotes.

See also

Quality Management & Machine Connection

Advanced Printer Utilization Tracking in MES

Our latest MES update enhances printer activity reporting by precisely tracking machine state changes, conforming to Umati standards. Machine utilization calculation can now more accurately distinguish internal states such as “initializing” or “interrupted”.

Image Modified

This upgrade streamlines the process for MES operators, ensuring more efficient and accurate printer utilization reporting.

See also


<Feature title>

<Feature description, include link to documentation if possible>

Other improvements

Automating GDPR compliant user deletion

In our commitment to GDPR compliance and to streamline user management, we've introduced the ability to delete and


anonymise users within the


organisation panel. This feature respects users privacy concerns and reduces manual efforts for admins.

See also

Property Updates

We reworked the Make or Buy property to Current Procurement, renaming the options to choose from Make and Buy to In-house and Outsourced.

Emails to

Emails send to are now bounced. This email is being used by default to send automated mails from the platform (e.g. Notifications, SignUp, Commenting, …). Users that respond to this address will now receive an error message that the address could not be found as a response.

If (external) end-users use the software, we highly recommend to get in touch with our technical support team to switch the FROM domain to a custom domain. For this, it is required to set up DNS entries on your custom domain. For more information, please read: Email Address Configuration

Bug fixes

  • [PLM] A bug which caused CSV imports to fail due to the completeness column was fixed.

  • [PLM] We fixed a bug in handling decimals when creating/updating parts via bulk-importing CSV.

  • [PLM] We fixed a wrong mapping in our material database, making TPU 88A now additionally available for MJF technologies.


  • [ERP] <Short and concise description>

  • [MES] <Short and concise description>

Administration Actions

