Do all the steps in Upload a File into a Basket
For every line: Update the basket line to set an offer and post-processing.
(optional) Create Shipping and billing addresses.
(optional) Check the order total with the Get Basket Price endpoint.
Create order for basket. Depending on your Printing Service, you will have to choose:
way of delivery
a Pickup location
or a Shipping Method
and a Payment method.
Place order with Service Panel API
Choose user for which to create order (from all users of the service). Fetch users - GET
Create empty basket - POST
Assign the previous chosen user to the basket Update basket with user - PATCH
Get addresses of the user, choose address for this order Fetch addresses of user - GET
Choose payment method Fetch available payment methods - GET
Choose shipping method Fetch available shipping methods - GET
Choose material for this line Fetch available materials - GET
Create empty basket line - POST
Update print price and material/offer and post processings for this line - PATCH
Upload file for this line - POST
Wait until file upload has finished, periodically call this endpoint (each 1s): Fetch the file upload status - GET
Submit the final order, that links all previous steps together