Open the Admin Panel (/admin/)
Go to “Parts”
Click on the top-left checkbox to select all parts on the current page
Click on “Select all xxx parts” on the top right
As an Action, select “Recalculate Geometries, Scores & Manufacturability Checks” in the dropdown
Click Go
It is possible to inject custom java-script into the application from within the admin panel. This functionality was modified as follows:
The script is executed as plain javascript. That means that a
tag is not necessary anymore.To ensure backwards compatibility, all existing scripts had been wrapped like this:
document.write(`[old script]`)
.The script is now injected at the bottom of the pages
section instead of the start of the pages<body>
section.The script is now loaded with the
property.There is a new
field available in the admin panel, that can be used to include custom css
We encourage customers who currently use an extra-script to manually remove the document.write
again and transform the exidting scripts into plain javascript and css.
Configuration of the Tessellation Quality